~ Euphoric ~

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The amount of patience it took me to stay behind the stage until the ramp walk ends is incredulous. Not when he looks so good, so angelic with so many eyes on him. I haven't seen him for a week but it feels like years. The desperation to have him close, smell his soothing scent can never be described in few words, my heart is longing for him and after seeing him when he looks drop dead gorgeous, it has only enhanced.

With Sheena returning to the back area was an indication that soon we, me and Hou, have to walk out. Releasing a deep breathe which I didn't I was holding, I stood up streching my legs, the core team was watching the event through the big screen arranged for us to watch the event, but I was only able to make out that everything happened smoothly without any hindrance as my mind kept wandering to a person in particular. Hou came to my side, extending his hand which I gladly took and walked outside only to get greeted by the mob of media, but Hou handled it nicely, after all it was his story to tell, the designs were his hardwork of years, I only provided my models and arranged the event. Some random questions were thrown at me, I tried not to sound bitter and replied nicely, I was dying to get over with it and look for Tae.

The first chance I got, I freed myself from the grip hou held on my hand and strided my way towards Taehyung, Yang following me. Tae had a smile on his face, but something about it was off, as it was nowhere near the big grin he gave me when I was on the stage that had my heart fluttering. Even though I pushed back the thought assuming the event must have tired him out.

But the thought came bouncing back soon, when the tension begin to build up between him and Hou, I asked him what happened through my eyes, however he brushes it away. But I know better than to believe him, something must have happened, that's for sure. Anger began to stir up inside me, but I pushed it down and asked Taehyung if he wanted to come along with me, to lighten up the mood, but it only seems to worsen the case, as he rushed out of the place giving a stupid excuse, if he thinks he can fool me with this, then he is stupid.

"What happened hyung?" My question directed to the male accompanying him, and my tone was not calm anymore. I was dying to know what the hell even happened, that drained his mood and mine too.

" I don't think it's my part of story but I can definitely leak this much that he planned something for you, for tonight, but I guess it's not going to happen anymore. Well I will be leaving too I was here as his moral support now that he has left, I don't see the purpose of staying." With his words taking a halt he began to walk towards the exit, however he turned back to look at me as if he wanted to say something but he didn't, with an exasperated sigh leaving his lips, he left.

I stood there with a frown etched on my face, a heavy heart and my thoughts going haywire, I just have one clear thought in my mind that is I need to find Taehyung, so without any second I also took a step towards the exit, only to be stopped by a grip on my hand.

" Where are you going? The event has not ended yet." Yang probes his voice full of uncertainty, afraid of her priorities. But the moment his eyes met the ones full of desperation to leave and reach for her love, he knew he lost this battle long ago, so he left her hand without a single syllable of converse between them. Maybe this is the understanding what others see in them and how badly he wished to not have this between them.

Free, from the duty and responsibility she had on her shoulder, she rushed out to find the solace of her heart lurking somewhere in this darkness, his beauty illuminated by the moon itself. Thus making the arduous endeavour of finding him easy, there he is.

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