~ Reconcile ~

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Jungkook felt so alone like he has never felt before, because he can't even speak out his misery to anyone. Rather he has mastered the face of exuberance. Something he feels so distant from, looking in the depths of the alcohol glass, sitting in a dim lit room of his club that he owned - just to kill time - but at this certain moment he regrets it, because everyday his steps brings him to the confines of this place, solely because a certain brunette would make appearance here at absurd hours of night.

" Sir, she's here again but. . ." He diverts his gaze from the glass to the waiter, who everyday comes to report him of a presence that brings a tumult in his psyche. But for a week or so she would just drop by and occupy one of those VIP room for privacy - that she's supposed to keep in regard to her profile - and will drown herself in substance till the point where she's unconscious to reality and her manager being responsible to drag her back. So examining the nervous look on the waiter's face, perks a curiosity in him about her deed.

"What?" He prompts.

"She is sitting at the public bar, rather than private room she has been using." He blurts out, before putting down the drinks in a hastened manner and scurrying his way out, worried that the man who seems pretty interested in the girl downstairs would lash out at him.

Although the first thing his words coerced Jungkook to ponder upon was

'Has she gone nuts? '

Because no sane person with such high profile would sit in open, inviting the dispatch to have some feast. With endless thoughts weaving in his mind, he steps down from the stairs, mixing himself with the other common people - drinking and dancing at the floor, to the loud music - in order to lax from their schedule.
He squints his gaze at the couch where he caught the sight that causes a dull ache in his heart every fucking time, he takes in those swollen eyes, heavy bags under her eyes, yet she had that cute pout on her lips while looking at the glass of tequila shots in her hand.

Every next day she looks more tired than yesterday. He knows that the cause behind all of this is him. And it hurts, the whim to cause her pain in retaliation long-forgotten. He sighs heavily before turning his feets to leave but halts midway, when his eyes fall on a new variable - to be precise - a young man, a kind of those looking for one night stands, he knows it - because he has been there at one point of life - approaching her. The instinct to tell him that she's off limits blinds him, when she, her Ena, smiles to something that he says, a smile that he longed to see. From the time he has met her again, all he has seen is tears in those pretty eyes. The twinkling shine like stars they carried was gone. And now someone else is making her smile led to an ugly feeling in his stomach.

He silently makes his way to the pair, and stands behind the girl - who's unaware the person behind her is giving a murderous glare to the boy sitting across her - that made the colour drain from his face. She looks confused, seeing the sudden stiffness in the boy, following his gaze, she turns to look back and the face she envisions morphed her.

"What are you doing here?" She questions, the first rational thing that came in her mind. He intakes a deep breath before leaning downwards to meet her eye level, and the way she sucks in a breath at the sudden closeness, makes his heart race, stupidly.

"What are you doing here?" It came out more stern and harsh than what he desired. She doesn't say anything but sways the glass in her hand in air, insinuating that she's here to drink, as if the male can't discern it.

FLAVOUR OF YOUR LOVE | Taehyung FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat