~ For the better ~

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( WARNING: Suicidal thoughts, you can skip if you are uncomfortable)

"Mr.David, is everything fine? I mean you're calling me out of the blue?" Yn questions sipping on her coffee. Her eyes probing the stats of profit displayed on the screen of her pc, sitting in the comfort of her home, her back taking support from the headboard of the fluff queen size bed.

" It's nothing much Ms.Cha, sorry to disturb you on Sunday, but I was a bit concerned about Ms.Sheena." Came weary voice off the old director.

"Did She cause any trouble, Mr. David, if she did forgive her for my sake, it's her first time doing a drama too. I hope you can be magnanimous." Yn stated coldly.

" What are you talking about, sheena is a young prodigy, she is so talented, yet she is so humble to everyone. Ms.Cha stars trained by you can never have criticism. You're being too polite here." Came his voice with a laughter but yn got confused, not knowing the reason of him calling her.

" I called you because the whole crew was worried about Sheena-sii, Yesterday she didn't came for the shoot and it was the first time she took a leave, but she didn't tell anyone prior that she'll be taking a leave, and we can't get through her, her phone is switched off. Neither her agent is picking up the calls. I wonder if anything bad happened, I know you're her friend too so if you can check on her and tell us, we'll be relieved. " Director expressed his concern, yn complied and disconnected the calls, wearing her plush slippers, she strode to the closet to change and check on the girl, she can't rest even on Sunday's. But somewhat she was Panicking inside, Sheena never behaves like this, her professional attitude is remarkable, so something's up for sure.

Getting ready she walked down the passage leading to parking lot, since it's a day off for everyone, she'll be driving on her own. Getting in she buckled up and drove to the only place Sheena can be, her villa in the off side of the city, only few people even know about the place, it was to keep media away from her. It took ample of time to reach, she entered the pass code and entered without ringing the bell. To be precise, Yn was calling her in the whole ride, but the beauty never picked up, and Yn was scared for real now.

It was dark, the darkness ready to devour you, yn removed her coat and throwed it right at one of the sofa in the living room. She rolled down the sleeves of her shirt and began to pick up the beer cans, tissues laying astray, messing up the whole living area, after cleaning up the place. Yn looked for in her room but couldn't find her, she noticed the bathroom door was opened, gulping she subsided the ill feelings, but the scene in her front made her whole body trembled, with weak knees she rushed to the girl who was drowning in the bathtub.

She pulled her out, her tears falling without her knowing, she covered her with the robe. Her shivering hands checked if she's breathing or not. Not sensing any life, she felt something crashing on her her. She immediately performed CPR, keeping her shit together was the most she could do. She continuously performed the process and after 15 minutes of hardwork Ena, finally coughed out the water, Yn took a breath of relief and hugged her soulmate and let her tears fall silently, not hiding how scared she was.

After calming herself she supported En to the bed, the girl immediately fell asleep, not before yn helped her to wear comfortable and warm clothes and dried her hair, everything was done in silence, Yn dared not to speak a word, seeing the bloodshot eyes, the last time she saw her friend broken incorrigibly it was when her mother attempted suicide after her father's death.

Tucking her in bed, Yn came out to release the whirlwind of emotions engulfing her, fear of losing was the one she hated most. Yet she has to be a support system for En now, she can't afford to fall weak. Not knowing what to do next, she called the only person she can think of Doctor Kim.
The Kim family was enjoying the weekend afternoon tea, Nin was lying sulking in her dad's lap, and his dad caressed the hairs of his princess Whilst reading a book, with his specs on. Taehyung was sitting on the floor cross legged and his mom giving him a magical massage to his head and this was the reason of nin's sulking.

FLAVOUR OF YOUR LOVE | Taehyung FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang