~ Misunderstandings & Revelation~

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At the club, once jungkook received the call he strided his way to the vip room number, he was told to. Before he could enter a stalwart looking man, with great muscles came out, supporting another man who was not even close to state of consciousness, reeking strong smell of alcohol.

"Are you Jungkook?"

"Yes, I am."

" Thankfully you're here." He said with a relieved smile, I passed a tight lipped smile since I was told there's a female star here and I need to make sure they are out of here, without getting clicked but I don't see any 'she' here.

"Ah! You're wondering about my actor? She's inside, I'll be taking Mr. Park home, and you can take her home." He said scampering since the person in his arms started struggling, what I have to drive her home? That's not what I was expecting. Nevermind. Hyung, better treat a meal to me after this.

The broad man passed me a card, saying this is the address where I need to drop her, sighing I took it. Before leaving he threatened me with his eyes to not do something inappropriate, as if I am interested man, and also gave an exaggerated lecture on how I should make sure that she's not seen by dispatch. I get it, that's his job, but man you've wasted five minutes of mine, just like that.

I clicked the door knob and entered the room to see a girl, sitting cross legged on floor, her head hung down, her face was blocked by her astray hairs. I walked up to her, crouching down to her level and called out for her, using formal words, since I didn't knew her name. She scrunched her head up slowly to examine my face, with a big pout on her lips and her face was redden due to over intake of alcohol.

I flinched recognising the familiar pair of brown eyes, that makes my heart vulnerable. Can my life be more doleful than this? I am still not up from the fact that I exchanged so many words with her today and she even asked me out. For God sake' I again stumbled my ways with her, just looking at her beautiful face makes me loathe myself, as my heart starts screaming that I still love her, but I shouldn't. I know but I am helpless, I bought this upon myself, by falling for such a heartless girl.

" You're finally here. I knew you'll come." She said with a comely smile on her lips, the smile I used to love so much. She hugged me out of nowhere and my senses numbed, the lump forming in my throat ached, just like my heart did. I should not say this, but I missed this, her.

"Jayden kept on telling me that I was talking nonsense, I don't have a boyfriend so how can he pick me up. But look, my kookie came, he loves me so much." Her jubilant slurry voice kept on ringing in my ears, until I pushed her away.

" I'm neither your boyfriend nor lover." I said harshly, standing straight, so did she with a bit of struggle, even though my hand itched to help her out but I didn't. I shouldn't.

"Why are you being like this? You don't love me, anymore?" Her voice broke, and I turned my back on her, this time I can't run away, I will make it crystal clear this time, putting an end to this unfinished chapter between us.

"Yes, I don't love you anymore. And you've quite the guts to think that I will still love you after what you have done to me." Bitterly I let out those words, and turned to face her, I was embraced by all the rage I've kept in my heart.

"Why? You didn't even let me explain myself and left me. I've been waiting for ten years to explain myself! Ten years! Jungkook!" She wailed out loudly hitting me continuously on my chest, but I stood indifferent to her cries.

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