~ Pizza party ~

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Time was ticking exceptionally slow today as If testing my patience, however it was finally seven past thirty indicating that I can leave to my apartment for a quick wash and come back again by then it'll be eight. My perpetual smily face was a testimony of my anticipation for this date, our first date together.

Never been in a relationship before is something I don't find odd about myself but others do, highly, because of my infamous reputation among girls. I won't lie I had a little bit of crush on belle of the dance group during my schooling years, but I think my bad luck shined and got friendzoned however I particularly don't believe it's a bad thing since me and hyeri now share a bond which is better than relationships tiresome hassle. Maybe it's fate, God have some plans for everyone just like I had, Yn arbitrary barging in my life is more or less god's plan.

Seok hyung startled me by smacking my shoulder, he really walks like a ghost.

"So, you're going to pick her up?" He asked putting me in a dilemma.

"No, I am going for a shower then I will come back here, she said she's going to pick me up." I said casually but when he sighed deeply I knew something is brewing in his mind.

" You like her, don't you? Even if you don't! be a gentleman pick her up after all it's your first date, show some sincerity!" He said with credibility and his words were credible enough to make me change my plans.

That's why after getting a quick shower I drove directly to the building. I was expecting the building to be ghosted since it's past working hours but even the receptionist hasn't left yet, they're doing overtime I guess. I strided towards the receptionist to ask about yn where about, she greeted me humbly and told me that yn and the relevant employees are working together on the upcoming project of fashion week, yeah I know little bit of it, last year also it was organised grandly, being in the headlines for straight a month and thus to ensure the better results than last year they all will be pulling an all nighter. It came to me as a thunderclap since I wasn't expecting this at all. I think yn forgot about her words, I stopped the receptionist from calling yn, since she must be busy and left the place.

On the other hand Yn was getting worried sick,
Disconnecting the call, burying her head in her hands, she sighed umpteenth time. But self indulgence in guilt was cut short when she heard commotion and chaos coming from outside, very few employees are working,  how they did manage to get distracted enough to make such a blunder of noise, the sounds including squealing sound and loads of laughter looks like a party rather than an overtime. Initially pissed at myself evolves into full fledged anger after hearing the noises, and I am all set to vent all my anger building up inside me on the poor employees who maybe took a break of five minutes and are conversing with each other, a humorous topic making them laugh. But I don't care because I am upset at myself so I took angry steps exiting my cabin, jave following me saying some soothing words, she read me, like she always do.

" Don't get too harsh with them, you know they love to chat and gossip around, I can ask them to be quiet." Her pleas continues but I turned deaf to it completely, entering the lift and I shut it off immediately not giving Jave a chance to enter, today they have to face my anger, hoping that this will put an end to their gossiping habit.

Lift opens, I saw boxes of pizza piled up, some of them are still biting on their last pizza slice, others rubbing their tummy content as it's filled. Some of them noticed my presence and got stiff, smiles falling from their faces. I frowned not understanding what's happening, my eyes travelled to the very corner of the room and I am shocked would be an understatement, my man is the reason behind this pizza party.

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