Chapter 27

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Since they got married Zac had started sharing his calendar with Fatima so that she always had an idea of what his days looked like and when he might need to work late or travel for work. In an effort to support her career, Zac also helped Fatima with any prep work she had to do for her cases and insisted on always being in the courtroom when she started a new trial.

He had been working a lot of late nights in the last week as he was gearing up to buy and take over a Silicon Valley fintech start-up. Fatima knew a lot more about blockchain than she ever thought she would after Zac had casually brought up the company during one of their conversations his eyes had lit up when she asked a question and that led to a whole TED talk from him on the topic.

He'd asked her opinion on some of the moves he planned to make and she was thrilled when he followed her advice and he started to share more about his investments and takeovers asking her opinion on all of it. The takeover had also been keeping him in meetings for most of the day so she was surprised when he turned up at her office in the middle of the day.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were in meetings all day today," she said hugging him

"I am but after the last few days I decided to block out some time in my calendar to come and see my baby," he replied not letting her go.

"Haha, so you put a fake meeting in your calendar to come and see me? Zac, you see me at home every day,"

"Yes, I did because these stupid meetings are always running late and by the time I get home I'm so tired I barely have anything left in the tank,"


"No Ti you are my number one priority, so I'm making adjustments. I don't like coming home so tired we can barely have a decent conversation, you deserve better than that,"

"I love you and I appreciate you for always putting me first, and I also appreciate how hard you're working for us,"

"I love you, and you know I gotta put the work in to support your shoe fetish and them Christian Louboutin's ain't cheap,"

"No they are not, but you love them Christian Louboutin's,"

"Yes I do, especially when they are wrapped around my waist,"

"You always gotta take it there," she says laughing

That had happened a week ago and he had shown up to her office the next few days and they would just hang out and talk. He was currently away on a work trip in San Francisco to close the deal on the start-up and had been gone for about 3 days. He usually called her as soon as he got to his hotel room to cleanse his pallet after a day of meetings with his wife's company and tonight was no different. She answered on the second ring

"Happy 3 month anniversary," he says with a grin when she answers

"Zac that's not a thing," she says smiling knowing he was serious

"Says who? I will celebrate all our milestones thank you very much. I will celebrate the day we met, our first date, the first time I saw you naked...oh wait that was the same day," he says laughing

His and Her RulesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora