Chapter 4|| GPP

605 100 188

Xiomara Hendrix
(zee (o)-ma-ra)

After a long day of scamming, I was ready to go home.

"Good night." I said to Solange who's sitting at her desk.

"See you tomorrow" she replied with a smile.

"Don't ever do no shit like that again. Not opening my door when's it locked, not intruding on my meetings. Don't put me in that position again. You get that?"

As an older sister of two, she feels like a little sister to me, especially since she's the same age as Xion.

"I swear I won't."

"Betta not, you were wearing my patience thin today."

"Again, I'm so sorry. I never meant to— I" she was about to say something. "Nevermind"

I wanted to prolong it but Im exhausted and need to go home so I didn't.

"Alright Lata then"

The rain is pouring and Dominique isn't answering his phone. There is absolutely no reason for him to be busy all he does is stay home all day.

I was waiting for the rain to cool down a bit but since it wasn't I opened my umbrella and decided to brave the weather to find a taxi.

While walking, a black car pulled up at my feet, mi a get ready fi put my foot ina me hand when the person called out to me from the backseat of the car.

"Which side yaah guh?"

"Weh dat haffi do wid u" I replied. I'm not inside so I don't need to act professional.

"Come mek we drop yuh." I was hesitant but, never have a choice cause it start rain like a hurricane a pass through.

My clothes were soaking wet, may as well I never had the umbrella. "Sorry for the wet clothes"

"If mi did have a problem wid it mi wouldn't pick yuh up" I rolled my eyes.

He handed me his phone to put my address in the gps.

I'm awkwardly sitting in the car not saying anything.

Guilt perhaps?

He's not saying much either.

Moments later, we pulled up to my apartment gate. He insisted on driving me inside, although I told him I could walk from the gate.

"Oh, before yuh cut, mi waah gi yuh sumn, just fi seh thanks fi weh yuh duh today." he took out a coil of cash wrapped in rubber bands from a bag he had under the seat and hands it to me.

"Umm thanks, but I don't need handouts" I opened the door and he grabbed my hand bag and put the money in it.

"Might affi hire yuh pon my personal team. Mi like the way how yuh handle things. Professionally speaking"

"Thanks for the ride " I replied dismissively before running up the stairs.

Romelou looks like a disaster waiting to happen. The car stayed there until I disappeared up the stairs.

When I got in my apartment. There was loud noise coming from the bedroom, sounding like moans. He couldn't so mad.

Walking to the kitchen, grabbing the cutlass.

"Dominique know mi have documents dung a Bellevue enuh" I whisper to myself.

Kicking the room door open he quickly grabbed the sheet covering him dutty buddy.

"Yuh honestly sick me stomach" I tell him when I saw what he was doing.

This big foot man is laying in my bed watching porn, masturbating.

Games People PlayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ