Chapter 12|| GPP

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Xiomara Hendrix
(zee (o) mara)

Since Dominique is going in for work tonight I'll be taking up residence in Patience and Natty vice house tonight.

I'm starting to feel hope we might make this work, but, he's on thin ice.

I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, hoping he'll prove everybody wrong. It seems he's doing just that.

I took a shower put on one of my mother's nighties, sitting in the living room for a bit to wait for Xion who has yet to come home.

My mother and I are in the living room watching this Turkish tv show on YouTube.

How am I just noticing this.

Rom.Shaqiri10 started following you..

Deciding to follow him back. Not long after he sent me a dm.

Rom.Shaqiri10: My g Hendrix. How yuh stay fi Sunday?

My g?

Me: Won't be there, I don't have a dress.

Rom.Shaqiri10: How yuh pronounce yuh name?

Me: Zee O Ma Ra

Rom.Shaqiri10: Yaah fi guh pronounce it fi mi in person until then you're my Ms. Hendrix 😏

My Ms. Hendrix?

I bit my lip through a smile. My insides feel tingly and I shouldn't be entertaining this, but here I am.

Me: My? Boy bye, I don't belong to you.

Why do I feel this from just texting someone. My eyes piercing the phone, impatiently waiting for him to reply.

I can't get attached to Romelou, I scammed the man out of a million dollars.

Rom.Shaqiri10: Who yuh belong to? Your boy weh come pick yuh up yesterday?

Me: I don't belong to anyone, I'm not a property.

Rom.Shaqiri10: I like that...How was your day, Ms. Hendrix?

Please. Stop. Making. Me. Feel. Thingssss.

As simple as 'how was your day' is, it seems foreign to me cause Dominique rarely asks me that.

Why don't I ever feel nothing but irritation when I talk to the man who I've been with for two years, but someone I met few days ago is giving me...Butterflies? I don't know what it is but whatever it is, it feels good.

As good as it feels it's mixed with guilt.

Me: It was great Mr. Shaqiri. Thank you for asking... how about your day?

Rom.Shaqiri10: Can't complain. I'm blessed.

Rom.Shaqiri10: Anyways I shouldn't text you so late, nuh wah yuh get inna trouble wid your boy.

I bust out a laugh, catching the attention of my mother,

Me: Good night Mr. Shaqiri

Rom.Shaqiri10: Good night Ms. Hendrix. See you on Sunday 😉

"A wah inna dat deh phone deh sweet yuh suh?" My mother asked.

"Nothing." I put my phone to the side. "Wah time Xion a come home?"

"Xion, naah come home till some bad 2-3 o clock."

"Weh yaah nah seh"

Anytime my mother I sit down in the same area for too long. We don't ever shut up.

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