Chapter 6|| GPP

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Xiomara Hendrix
(zee (o)-ma-ra)

I'm around my desk  back to planning for this gala. Apparently it's a big deal, most of the big shots names are on the guest list, some MPs, other athletes, influencers, more famous people.

That means I need to be presentable, if I don't get a dress I really like I'm not going.

Where could I get a dress?? It's too late to order because it would take a while to get here. Never the less I start scrolling on Fashionova when a notification came up on my laptop.


Nora has requested you for a meeting with HR in the next fifteen minutes.


Thanks Solange.


I walked into the 'meeting' expecting to see people from HR instead it was my manager Nora and Romelou.

My heart leaped. Did they find out.

"Oh hi" I said nervously.

"Ms. Hendrix, thank you for coming."

Did I have a choice?

While every other player was on the field practicing she had him in here for a meeting. He is seated comfortably in the chair constantly taking glances at me.

"Please have a seat" she instructs "as you know the gala is on Sunday, how far are we with that."

What 'we' sis!

"I'm actually finishing up the details now. I'm just waiting for more people to RSVP to finalize everything before end of day. Mr. Shaqiri included. I sent them out over a month ago."

He was probably too busy making sex tapes.

"Oh he'll be there, also please ensure there's a table at the front reserved for him and his family." she said.

"He still needs to RSVP so I can send the guest list to the venue. No later than this afternoon." I direct the last part towards him.

"I'll get it done" he said deadpan.

"We will also need someone to go at the venue on Saturday to make sure that everything is set up properly. Would you be up to it?" she asks me.

"Actually... I'm busy on Saturday I'll ask Solange to get it done."

I have no plans on Saturday, but it's my day off and I'm not working on it.

"Oh awesome, one more thing before you go. I need all employees and players to wear Jamaica's colours. I know it maybe a little soon to send that info out but if you could add that to invitation, that would be great."

"Sure." I said with a tight lipped smile

"Thanks for your time we won't disturb you anymore."

I hope not, this could've been a email and he did not have to be present. This had nothing to do with him.

"Ms. Hendrix was it?" he asked as I'm walking out.

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