Chapter 29|| GPP

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Xiomara Hendrix
(zee (o) mara)

Next Day

My sister and I were In the town at the bank getting business done for our mother.

Rom 🍆 x 2

Rom 🍆 x 2: Weh yuh deh?

Me: I have some business to take care of today I'll be in late.

Rom 🍆 x 2: What time? Mi have sumn fi yuh mek yuh focus more.

Me: Stop, I'm not doing anything with you today🫠

Rom 🍆 x 2: Ok.

Me: Ok?

Rom 🍆 x 2: Yea, cauz mi know a different story once yuh reach 😍

Me: Goodbye sir.

"Finally everything paid and done, we can relax now and wait fi she get har surgery and we can get this over wid." I said.

"Yaah breed?" she asked out of the blues.

"You breed me?" I retort, "don't call dung dat pon mi. I rebuke you."

"Yaah glow, mi nuh kno and mi know anuh Dominique mek yuh look suh."

Should I tell her? My sister is literally my only friend but she's a baby she can't know about these things.

Whatever she a big woman.

"Me meet somebody."

"Shut yuh rass mouth!" she yelled in the bank and people started staring, she didn't even care.

"Suh you and Dominique leff?"

"Not really, him propose to mi."

She let out a big brawling laugh, "Pookie, don't mek mi dead in yah. Yaav a boyfriend and a fiancé. Yah live life?"

"Anuh mi boyfriend. Him know bout Dominique."

She doesn't know the full story and she doesn't need to know.

"Mi naah participate inna wedding mi naah tell nuh lie. And mi naah support in either. Dominique fi guh suck out him big pu—" she was talking then stopped.

"A wah??!" I heard her ask someone across the bank. When I looked up. I recognized the person.

"Jesus Xion, calm down, mi know har."

She walked over. I couldn't tell when last I saw her or spoke to her.

"Wahmp Solange yuh good??"

"Xi, not good. Not good at all. Mi can talk to yuh fi a minute? Please."

Xion was sizing her up, She nuh like nobody.

"Mi will gwaan sidung, don't tek Long." Xion said She sound like Patience bout don't tek long.

We went outside on one of the benches on the plaza.

"Xi," she took a deep sigh.

"Mi lose the work from gala day, dem have it fi seh a me leak the video. And a me a blackmail him. Dem a sue me."

"Jesus Christ." I gave out unintentionally.

"Yup, suh dats y mi deh a bank dem want all a mi bank statement dem. From every bank weh mi own. Mi nuh duh nothing. Nothing mi nuh duh except fall in love wid Romelou."

My heart sank, she shouldn't have to face consequences because of my actions. I never expected anyone else to get hurt in the process.

"I'm so sorry Solange, I never, I hope you can figure it out."

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