Chapter 14|| GPP

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Xiomara Hendrix
(zee (o)-ma-ra)

We were seated in silence, until Romelous's son ran over to our table.

"Hi you're both pretty" he said to Xion and I.

"Thank you, you're such a sweet boy" Xion replies and he blushed.

When he smiles he looks just like his father and he has dimples too.

"My daddy plays football. He's the best."

"Oh yea?" I said.

"Yea, he's getting an award today."

"That's amazing."

"Ask yuh fadda if him nuh waah one step mother fi yuh." Xion said to him.

"Jesus Christ Xion" I slap her. "Yuh seh yah guh behave"

"Mi a behave, yuh nuh waah mi start gi trouble" she cut her eyes.

"Don't say that to your father okay." I tried to convince him in the sweetest voice.


"What's your name?"


"My middle name is Egypt." I smiled

"That's a boy name because I'm a boy." He tilt his head.

"Ok I'm going back to my daddy now," he said to us. "I will ask him if i want a step mother" he continues.

"No no no. Sweetie. Don't ask him that. If you do you'll get in trouble." I tell him.

"I don't want to get in trouble can this be our secret."

Xion mouths to Egypt "Tell him." And I kicked her under the table.

With that he ran off to his father table.

He pulls him back into his lap and I watch as the little boy whisper something into Romelou's ear.

The little boy laughed when his father whispered something back into his ear.

I'm hoping he didn't say what I think he did.

My evening couldn't get any worst when Nora approached me. "Ms. Hendrix?"


"Can I borrow you for a minute please. We're having some technical difficulties. I just need all hands on deck right now. But, Solange is in the bathroom crying, and we need to give Romelou his medal now," she urged.

Her employee is having a meltdown and her main concern is giving Romelou a medal?

"What's wrong with her?" I immediately questioned.

"She's been in the bathroom crying ever since she came." No wonder I haven't seen her.

Making my way to the bathroom, she's in the stall crying.

Before I spoke "I've had sex with him before."

"With who?"


At the mention at his name my heart drops.

"What does that have to do with me?" I try to brush it off.

"I think I'm on the tape..." now her behaviour makes complete sense.

My jaws dropped and I grabbed my chest.


"I—" she started to break down even more. "I don't know if it's me though."


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