9. French

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Chelsea -

Tell me
Mancini I hear your story and a brand new movie are you so excited I mean this is huge because you always Graystar smooth screens, Mancini you know .

I mean my favorite, Noe and Movie that you actually coworker and produce them. We're actually stay with me myself and the boys you know you really took us through a crazy journey of what it's like to be fall over and you fussed over and just everything in between like


I don't think you understand how beautiful you are and who is idea was it for the plushy movies? Because you know the kids are eating it up like they love it and they really are just happy that you're making care of Thursday there for you in a midlife crisis and it's going to be there for you,

In a lot of ways to be an adult

to understand it like in my favorite film. You know that you've done ever with me and me and myself and the boys like I mention by missing you know this may be in one of the scenes that I just you know got it early screen to my favorite see Maddie is when you know Felix and you actually part ways because he hast to go back to StayVille so and I noticed there's lots of emotion in your voice you know, so what was that representing for you as a person Maddie like what were you,
thinking of when you were parting ways  with Felix


I was actually envisioning what I felt you know years ago when all my friends were passing away from cancer and I was actually the only one to be left out of them and you know it makes me sad. You know that none of my friends are here today and it was everything that I wanted to say to them like why are you leaving like I need you to I can't I can't be in the world loan but then you realize you know everybody leaves you for a reason and you know my friends left me because they didn't want to be in pain anymore do the cancer and now they're fl she up heaven and I'm so in pain because .

I don't understand you know like lots of people understand the pain that your friends are going through and you as well as physical pain that you feel when I subjected to you know you're in your day is a treatment and people want to tell you that you're overdramatic or you don't know how to do this and stop crying about it's worth a shit so I wanted to let people know and with the emotional seeing that you know what happened he wasn't your fault and that everybody's emotions This is important and it just really makes me sad.

You know when I go out and I do these films it you know hits close to home but I know when people are crying inviting me lovers do I get a good job so you know that's kept it up to me and I will absolutely not stop at these films and I will continue to make important films to help out other people.

Plushies - stray kids fanfic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora