22. Lime

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Quill and I have had so much fun foam me in the movie this past week. We forgot about that we still have our clinicals so after filming it had wrapped up and Vancouver for one of the scenes I had quickly ran I quickly I quickly ran back to. I had quickly ran back to the clinicals. I was very shocked about I didn't miss very much. I thought I would've.

I thought I would have missed missed a few weeks but thankfully I hadn't missed much of anything. It makes me feel very makes me feel very happy that I am disabled because up and no one was really mad at me or no one really knew they had started a new movie so no one could be mad at me. It's been no fun to be MIA at times but you wonder if people know what you're up to you or if they just think that you're really lazy not that if you miss a day of school that you're lazy because self-care is important. You wouldn't let your brain to fly now would you thought I got really excited knowing that I had gotten to go different places in the course of six months.

Very blessed that's all this movie has taken the film at six months in all the years. It's just a lovely lovely that we get to this point an opportunity I really think that young girls will take away courage and independence from this movie that is my biggest thing is like that girls know that they don't need a piece charming to sweep them off their feet and rescue them .

so I really hope that in the meantime that they can get what they want in life like I just hope that they understand that they are beautiful, unique, intelligent, smart, and every thing in between it just really really makes you think of what you have and what you didn't have prior to starting in the phones are used to be very shy like kinda in the shell. Now I've broken out of my shell a little bit. I'm still incredibly shy, but I have enough courage to go walk up to new people and like say hi to them but I still like to keep tell myself it's just really you know makes you think of what you were doing before hand .

I smiled thinking back to me, Maddie and Kairn sleep over it really made me smile because you know that's when things are a little bit simpler because you're not really thinking of what's going on in your life you're just thinking about hanging out with your clothes of people .

I suppose but I think as you get older like I like have sleepovers. Luckily, I trailers had the new avocado memory purple mattresses so we were able to do what we wanted to do when we wanted to do it and everything in between.

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