30. Crystals

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Maddie -

i'm not really sure exactly what came over me, but I felt like overcome with emotion. I was so happy that's wow I actually made a difference in somebody's life I sobbed I couldn't believe it now kids all over the world lighting this leather's how much they couldn't wait to become one of us and that they couldn't wait to see what what more we would come up with. It's crazy this thing about as you get older, but you think along the way like wow like people love the store that.

I wrote when I were younger and now they want me to write them more and more movies and I just wanna wake up pentazocine but then I don't wanna wake up because I want to keep going no amount of time whatever amount to how I feel right now play I started free movies or books that I wrote when I was a kid that's so crazy but I'm really happy that people like my stories like that's unheard of like someone like me I am gonna keep on going, and I can only get better from here.

Liz -

wow it's over. It's actually over it like I don't even know what to say like I've been anticipating this movie for a very long time and to know that it's over it's just kind of like heavy hidden because I didn't think that this movie would be well received by the critics, but I was wrong.

I love this movie and everybody wanted to be a part of something so huge I mean it's about three little girls that just want a little bit of an adventure and like now they have it and they realize that the reason they were so close to the plushy to begin with, but it's because of of the people that were inside them all along you know I like when I came to create years ago, I didn't think that

I never become Mrs. Bang
I didn't think that anybody would like me  I l came here  five years ago

now later and people love me that's crazy leaving you know I can't even fathom it but I'm just grateful that I got a chance to meet Chris  starting this movie with him and makes me really emotional bras. Extremely grateful that I even got an opportunity like this.

Kairn -

it was really fun shooting that movie today. I feel really blessed that we got to do what we wanted to do and delivered alliance how we wanted to deliver the line because you know lots of people lots of people don't really get to do with how they want to do it but when you get to a point where you're respected, you can do pretty much whatever you want. As long as it's not crossing the line.

I got emotional because I know lots of kids were really looking forward to this movie for a few years cause it's based off of a series of books that someone had wrote but you know they weren't taken lightly but now they're actually being taken.

Seriously I'm really happy for everyone involved in this process because you know you don't really think that you're going to get into a place in life where you know you get what you want to get, but I think with him.

I think with everything that we've gone through it made the movie much more sweeter in the end because even though I read the book a lot of times when I was a little girl I just was more real this time because you know you try to think

wow like I really did it like I made a difference I mean it's one of those things where you are just really appreciative of health things are going
I mean .

I never would've thought that anybody like me would've gotten a chance to Stone something so huge so it really makes me happy to see that there is progress know how long

the way to get where I want to go so I'll always be incredibly grateful for everything that went along the way .

**The end **

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