Woe! That's a lot of strawberries!

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Wednesday's POV:

"As you can see, the subject in question is no ordinary theif..."

Kill me. Kill me now. Kill me long and hard. This is torture. My knees are pressed up against my chest as I rock back and forth, trying to calm down.

"What do you think so far, Wednesday?"

She slightly stretches, letting out a grunt as she does so.

"Nauseous. I'm physically nauseous."

She giggles before getting comfortable yet again.

Soon after one of the songs from the soundtrack start playing. Though it was indeed terrifying, I believe I hid my fear pretty well...


I see her asleep next to me. She looks so peaceful, like a corpse that has only been dead for 24 hours. She's so beautiful. I put the computer we watched the movie on away, before laying next to her, pulling the bed covers over my body. I'm only doing this because I'm cold, I'd return to my bed later on in the night. For now, I'll just look at Enid's pretty face...


I fell asleep.

I woke up in Enid's bed, submerged in her multiple blankets. I sat up, scanning for any trace of her until I felt on my forehead a folded piece of A4 paper. Looks like a sort of letter...

I wrote that in all caps so that you would imagine me screaming at you to wake you up. Looks like we both fell asleep watching Barbie Spy Squad. Luckily Thing packed up the laptop and put it on the charger when we both drifted off. I'm so happy he also joined back this year!
Anyways, If you're reading this note, it means that you slept through breakfast hour. So I brought you some of the takeout food the school allowed us to bring up as well as some strawberries in a bowl. I still can't believe that you've never tried strawberries! They're the best thing to ever happen in the universe ever!
You may be wondering why I'm not here (though to be honest I don't care because I'm telling you anyways). I've decided to follow my heart and succumb to the aesthetic that is 'Crazy obsessive ex girlfriend that makes the man's life a living hell.' I snuck a note in his dorm telling him that he can find answers (me) in a secluded spot in the woods so that I can really speak to him. To be honest I feel like I got over Ajax but I am not going to have all my friends believe that he left me for some other girl so unless he gives me a reason to not claw at his heart right then and there, I don't think we'll be seeing much of Ajax anymore ;)"

I turn the note over.

"I most likely won't be back until the evening, given that by the time you've woken up and read this I'd still be on my way to the woods and Ajax would still be waking up. So I'll see you later <3
Enid :3
P.S:I took your braids out for you. I just thought it would make it easier for you to sleep and I was right because as soon as the braids let loose, you started sleeping like a baby! I thought it was so cute that I took a picture that I've taped on your back. Love ya♡︎"

She's so funny.

I can't stop smiling. She's so adorable I could cry. I am crying. She's so pretty.

During my stay over at San Francisco, Enid and I picked up the habit of making eachother's mornings just the tiniest bit more enjoyable. It started the morning after we had gotten back from her family barbecue. Saying she was exhausted that night would be an understatement. I could tell she had a restless night so that morning I wrote her a short 800 word story to help brighten her mood. I also left painkillers and water on her nightstand. That "family barbecue" was nothing short of a rave. I couldn't imagine the amount of pain she'd been in, especially thanks to her advanced hearing.

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