Woe will be the death of me

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Tw: very small mentions of pedophilia, subtle suicidal thoughts, lucas being #silly, a lack of wenclay



Wednesday's POV:

I'm almost an hour into my two free periods, and I decided to read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I stole it from Enid's collection of "aesthetic" books that she's working on reading. This book may be one of the worst things ever, and not just in literature, but I have never not completed a book. For this reason, I refuse to put it down until every word is read thoroughly. Besides, Enid is in her therapy session right now.

I don't need to worry about that.


Enid comes rushing into the dorm, fustrated. Speak of the devil-

"-And she shall appear."


Why does that keep happening?

"Anyways, I cannot stand Dr Rhino!"

"Dr Rhinestone."

"Not my point, babe."

"Enid, I have asked you repeatedly not to call me babe."

"Oh. Sorry, el mayor susto de mi vida."

I nod approvingly. Her Spanish could use a bit of work, but it'll do for now.

"My point is Dr Hippo keeps trying to make me speak about my family or whatever and it's so annoying! It's like she never learns! This time, I just had to leave. I didn't even bother sneaking out."

"Enid. You shouldn't take your sessions so lightly. They're for your benefit, to help you ground yourself."

"And speaking about my judgemental, apathetic mother is just the way to do that?"



"I hate when you're right."

"Get used to it."

Enid flops onto my bed, laying there for a while before crawling into my lap and wrapping my arms around my waist. We're involved now, so I have to act like this doesn't make the beetles in my stomach crawl.

"I want to get better, but I don't want to have to reveal my entire life to some normie to do so."

"You don't have to. Therapy is whatever you make it out to be. If your therapist refuses to acknowledge that, maybe it's time you found a new one."

Enid looks up at me, an indecipherable look in her eyes.

"When did you get so good at cheering people up?"

"Google has shown itself to be quite the useful tool."

"You're so freakishly adorable, Wednesday."

She kisses just below my jaw. I have to act like that doesn't enlight a burning sensation just below my stomach, seeing as we are now involved.

"Oh, and Enid?"


"When I finish with this book, we are burning it."

"But Tiktok said that it was Lana Del Ray coded!"

"I have not a clue what that means, nor do I care. I will not have you reading about such vile topics because of some modern day morse code, as you claim."

"Fine. But I don't know what's so vile about a coquette girl just living her life."

"What's vile is that said "coquette girl" is being prayed on by a man almost three times her age."

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