Today's been filled with Woe

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Wednesday's POV:

"The score is even."

Bianca and I are currently facing eachother in a practice duel. The last duel before our class ends and I get an early start on my new novel. I've decided that I will continue the franchise for two reasons:

1. I feel the ending to my last novel was severely underwhelming. The ending is 'brighter' than my other 3 novels and it makes the read feel wasted. I will continue the story so that it can end on a much better written note.

2. Ever since I stopped writing, I've realised that I've been more in touch with my emotions than ever before. This wouldn't had bothered me too much if these emotions hadn't led to feelings, triggering tears. I hate tears. They're time consuming, uncomfortable and leave me dehydrated. Worst of all, they fix nothing.

By writing, I can spend more time on character development than anything else, which is very much needed given the circumstances. But for now, I have a battle that needs finishing.

*After duel ends*

"Point to Wednesday"

Well that was easy enough.

"Don't get too cocky, Wednesday. These points won't come so easy during the fencing tournament."

"You lack patience, Bianca. Perhaps if you focused more on technique you would've won."

She scoffs.

"Whatever. I don't have the energy to fight with you, Addams."

"Then why'd you take fencing in the first place?"


She glares at me before changing the subject.

"Me and the others are going over to dance since it hasn't ended yet, do you want to come?"

"I figured only those who took dance could go to their practices."

"Well not exactly. See around the end of their lessons they have their weird like solos and shit, Señorita Garcia lets us watch till the end."


I believe Enid takes that lesson. Sure it would've been beneficial to get an early start on my writing, however, I've been wondering what they do in that lesson for a while. And besides, watching Enid will make up for any writing time I've missed. It would be a win-win. God I've got to stop saying that.

"Then I'll accompany you and your friends. I have been wondering what goes on in those lessons."

"Trust me, it is sick! These dancers are way too talented to be competing with a school."

"I'm intrigued. Show me the way."

She walks with me out the door after grabbing both of our bags. I see Yoko and Divina waiting outside, so I whisper to Bianca,

"I wasn't under the impression that you were friends with Yoko."

"Well at first, I wasn't. But then Divina started dating her and since her and I are basically sisters, it got really hard to argue with her."

"Didn't you try to kill her?"


"I'm not that bad anymore."

"You're not a murderer anymore?"

"It's not like I actually killed her. Trust, if I wanted her dead she would've been-"

"Good afternoon Yoko, Divina."

The two of them stop their conversation and say in unison:

"Hey Wednesday, Bianca."

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