You're the one... you're all I've ever woe'd

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Wednesday's POV:

"Mother. How much do you know about phsycic superpowers?"

Enid had claimed that she was okay to go to the cafeteria, but I found it hard believing her. Maybe because she spent multiple hours unconscious due to phsycic powers she doesn't have, I don't know though.

Anywho, I have taken it upon myself to find the cause of this. Enid has already given me an idea of this being a telepathic glitch, but not even Addamses possess that power. None that I've heard of, at least. The Thorpe and the Addams Family have been close friends for a generation. Surely if Xavier Thorpe were to know something, my mother would have to know too.

"Hello to you too, Wednesday."

"Focus, Mother. This is a life or death situation."

"Do tell."

"My... roommate Enid has suffered a telepathic glitch. She is currently in the dorm with Thing being cared for but her condition is poor at best."

She finally drops thay insufferable smug look when she hears this, now serious for once.

"...Oh my. When did this happen?"

"An hour after school ended. Enid said she saw Xavier but his phsycic powers are usually limited to dreams."

"...A Thorpe did this?"

"That is what I said, yes."

Now she looks enraged. I haven't seen her like this since last semester's parents weekend when I accused father of being a murderer.


I didn't know she could raise her voice.

She walks over to an old door in the room. She gives it two sharp knocks and father comes stumbling out.

"Good evening, mi vida- oh. What troubles you?"

"Are there any updates on Xavier's condition?" She all but commands.

"Yes actually. His ribs have healed nicely and he has a cast that he can walk in after his internal bleeding surgery is complete."

"When will the surgery be?"

"Today, I believe."

Mother takes some time to consider this. She kisses father on the cheek and exuses him back into the room.

"And you're sure this is Xavier's work?"

"That's what Enid said- Mother what's going on?"

"You might want to sit down, mi tormenta."

I take a seat on the first chair I see.

"Do you remember when we attended Agatha Jinx's funeral a couple of years back and we had officially met the Thorpe's?"


"Well... I was going to wait until you were older to tell you this but I can't risk this happening again. Agatha Jinx was an incredible phsycic. Nothing like a phsycic from the Addams Family, but amazing nonetheless. She loved everything about her power, her 'experiment'. She would often manipulate her power in a way that... was frowned upon, so to speak. She one day discovered the telepathy glitch and used it on Vincent-"

"Is it what killed her?"


"I know Enid means a lot to you, sweetheart." She tries to comfort her, but it does nothing but keep me in the edge. I take a few steadying breaths. Enid is fine.

"No... no no no. Mother, Enid is fine. Nothing is going to happen-"

"I'm sure of it. But we cannot risk anything. Please, whatever you do, don't get more attached than you have already. Not until I've spoken to her and found out more of the contents of this vision." I can hear the tremor in her voice. She sounds a few moments away from snapping.

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