Today is full of Woe

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Enid's POV:

I can't sleep.

It's strange. I haven't had trouble sleeping in a while; well not since myself, the Nightshades, Wednesday, Thing, Eugene, etc saved Nevermore and we didn't have to endure any danger. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why it hasn't been keeping me from sleeping. I only ever really think about it when someone else brings it up. I dismiss the thought before I can pry any further.

I know it's not home life keeping me asleep, at least not anymore. Ever since I wolfed out, my mom has retracted her judgmental claws just ever so slightly. Sure she's still picking up on every single wrong thing I do, but at least she isn't blaming it on the fact that I'm not able to wolf out. I know that with time she will grow to accept me for who I am, I just know it. It has to happen. One day she has to come up to me and say that she's proud of me. I don't see this family feud of ours ending in any other way.

This is so weird. It seems that all of my concerns centre around others way more than myself. Not a single person I know other than myself has been able to move past what happened. Yoko and I couldn't even walk through the woods to get back to Nevermore earlier today like we usually do because of how freaked out she is. She says that she can practically smell the school threatening to burn down, and the thought of that ever happening again keeps her up at night. I feel so sorry for her. I feel so sorry for everyone.

Speaking of other people, I hear Wednesday abruptly sit up in her bed. I look over at her direction and see that she's holding at her heart, as if trying to claw it out, and is struggling for air. A nightmare. I immediately sit up and out of my bed, running to her side. I whisper,

"Wednesday, it's okay. Just breathe."

I kneel next to her bed. I hold out my hand for her to grab, which she does immediately, holding it to her chest and squeezing it hard. I then hear her speak in the most heartbreaking way known to man,

"Principle Weems. she- the nightshade poison- she fell to the ground-"

She interrupts herself with her uneven breathing.

"Wednesday it's okay, she's okay now."

"No no no she isn't! I saw it happen! She's dead and it's all my fault!"

I see her holding back her sobs.

"I'm responsible for something terrible happening. This all happened because of me..."

She loosens her grip on my hand. I immediately sit on her bed and pull her into a hug, feeling tears threatening to spill out of my own eyes. She immediately hugs back. I hate seeing Wednesday like this, and I hate the fact that I have no idea what she's going through.

She's revealed to me before (before classes cancelled) that her worst fear is being responsible for something terrible. Not good terrible, like finding out who the Hyde was in the worst way known to man, bad terrible. Students at Nevermore have only been alerted of Weems' resurrection a few weeks ago, Wednesday being one of the last people to find out, so I'm not surprised that she's still in disbelief. but to see her almost cry over the mere possibility that her investigation could've killed off Weems, it stings. So I comfort her as much as I can;

"She's okay now Wednesday, I promise. This isn't your fault."

She buries her head in my chest, still taking deep breaths.

"I should've never came back to this school. Everything bad right now is because of me-"

I hold both her shoulders so that she is now forced to look directly at me before interrupting her,

Hysteria|Wenclairजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें