Kill woe with kindness

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Wednesday's POV:

"Wednesday... you know how I feel about you hanging out with other guys... especially Xavier."

A vision. My hands are sweaty, my thoughts are racing, I'm never so anxious during a dream.

"I understand perfectly well, Enid. Still I don't understand why you had to kill him... was he not your friend?"

"Not after I found out who he really was, Wednesday."

My racing thoughts come to a halt. I'm no longer worried about the scenery of the place, I'm just wondering... what?

Now I'm being pulled back. I cannot breathe, I'm underwater. I'm being pulled back and all of a sudden, I'm out of the water and I can hear talking. I try to make as little noise as possible, trying to decipher what is being said as well as hiding myself. Ajax, and Enid.


"That fucking bitch. I'm actually going to kill him if I see him today."


Xavier? So they had already planned this out? I can't tell, the wind is too harsh.

"Look- I know it's a lot to ask but like, I don't need Xavier making me look like a bigger villian than he has tried to."

"Don't worry Ajax, I won't say a thing."

"I can't promise that I won't snap his neck, though."

Ajax told her to do this. Is Enid over him? If not, is this why Enid was so eager to use violence against Xavier? Was Enid really going to kill him?

"I'll make that dream of yours come true... But first-"


"You need to wake up."

My eyes shoot open. Bianca. Before I can wonder what she's doing here, there is pain coursing through every vein in my body. While it's only unbearable momentarily, I still feel stiff as Bianca pulls me from the arm and stands me up. I realise now that I had been sleeping against the window to the balcony. How had I got there again? The last thing I remember from last night is trying to speak to Enid, though Mother had stopped me for some reason...

I'm now sat down on my bed.

"I've been texting you all night. What the hell happened? I was worried sick! And you don't look too far off from sick, either!"

"Do you mind lowering the your voice? I already had a homicidal werewolf screaming bloody murder last night, I don't need a siren doing the same."

"Yeah about that, what happened to Enid?"

I know Bianca is expecting the truth from me, but part of me is telling myself not to say a word. I'm not one to lie often, but I'm not letting go of some gut instinct because of a pathetic crush.

"I'm not quite sure. It's all really a blur."

"Damn, I'm sorry. Are you going to be okay for school today?

"I will be fine, Bianca. You needn't worry about me."

She sighs in relief. Good. She also changes the subject.

"Lucas wanted to know if you wanted to get lunch with us later today? I told him that you wouldn't be post mental breakdown when speaking to him so you won't be so nice but he did insist."

"As much as I appreciate your offer, Bianca. I must refuse. I have business to attend to."

"What business?"

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