Lost Sister

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Again, this is a fanfic. This is based on the show, but the story is made up. I do not own any movies or songs that are mentioned. Please do not republish my work. It is long and I mean long, but I think it's worth it! It is also dark, has cussing, abuse, violence. If you don't like any of these please do not read it. Enjoy! 🙂



[Long] (but worth it)


[Nagisa P.O.V]

It was a normal day of going to school. Mom found another reason to yell at me, I grabbed a drink and chips at the gas station, sat on a bench and ate my food, and then went to school. This happened every day and it was getting a little annoying. Mom always found a reason to yell at me. Whether it was my laundry not being put up this second, not being born a girl (I can't help that, but she seems to think I can), I didn't have any lunch because she 'told me' I had to make it that day, or I wasn't in eight places at once. When I got to school, everyone was sitting and chatting like normal. They were all having fun, which made me happy. I saw Karma and walked over happily. He looked my way and smiled.

"Yo, Nagisa!"

"Hey, Karma. How've you been?"

"I've been alright. Did you see what Ritzu is doing? She's looking at people's heritage."


Nakamura looked over and said,

"Nagisa. You should do this!"

"I don't know... I don't have much family."
"So, see if you have more! C'mon please?"
After some consideration, I decided to give in.

"Fine. But make it quick. We have class soon."
"You worry too much Nagisa. You'll be fine being a maid at a school or a fancy hotel."

"Nagisa, are you ready?" Riku said kindly.

I nodded my head yes and we continued. Riku pulled out a syringe and I whimpered. I hate needles and didn't realize she would have to draw blood. I looked away as she stuck the syringe in my arm. Once she pulled it out, she covered my arm with gauze and handed me a band-aid. In a few seconds, she pulled up my family tree. Everyone stared at my family tree looking for someone famous.

"There's me," I said as I pointed to the bottom of the family tree.

"Wait... there's two of you at the bottom," Okuda said.

I thought to myself, "That can't be right." I looked at the bottom of the tree and there WERE two at the bottom. I looked up thinking there might've been an aunt or uncle I'd never met, but there was no one. There was my mother and father, then two of me! We looked fairly similar, other than style and hair. I realized they had long hair like me too but left it down.

"Hey, Ritzu. Can you show me who the other kid from my parents is?"

"Yea! Right on it." Riku said.

She pulled up all of the information on them. She was a girl. She looked similar to me, but she wasn't close enough to be my twin. She lived about an hour from here. She went to a different school too. Her parents weren't my parents.

"Her parents weren't my parents so why is she there?"
"From my understanding of the legal documents, her parents you see in the picture adopted her. Her hair's a different color in most of her pictures so she looks like she's, their kid. She also buys colored contacts a lot. She wears only one every day. Maybe her eye color is different in one eye than the same color for both eyes."

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