Christmas Eve

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[Very Long]

There is texting so the bold words are texts. This has cussing. It's also all in Karma's POV and I will make another one all in Nagisa's POV to balance it out. Please do not republish any of my work, and I hope you enjoy the story!


[Karma's POV]

"Today marks one week from Christmas." I thought to myself. I had already bought all of my gifts for my family, and now I'm going home to wrap them. I really hate buying presents. One, you never know if the person's going to truly like it or not. Two, you lose a lot of money. Sure it's amazing to see someone so happy when they actually do like it, which is why I continue to buy them. But it's not always fun to look at the receipt.

[Flash Back 20 minutes ago]

I was scanning my food at the self checkout and then I started to pay. I didn't want to look at the price on the screen because I wouldn't have gotten the gifts I needed if I did. I paid for it and then the receipt came out of the machine. I looked at the receipt sticking out of the machine and cringed thinking about the price. I quickly grabbed it out of the machine and looked at it. I searched for the real price, including the tax. "No... no... no..." I thought to myself. I saw the price... "$674.57" My eyes widened as I truly read the price. My jaw dropped and I couldn't believe that I spent THAT MUCH. How much of a dumbass was I?

[End of Flashback]

The thought of the spent money rang in my head. I squinted as I remembered the price. I continued walking on the sidewalk to my house, the wind grew stronger. I started to hurry a little more as the wind blew. A big gust of wind hit and I closed my eyes so that they didn't water. I ran faster and then accidentally smacked into someone. I opened my eyes in shock as I fell to the ground. Once I fell, I closed my eyes tight and held my shoulder where the person knocked into. I grunted in pain and then realized I dropped all of my presents. I opened my eyes quickly and then I saw the person. Suddenly they became more important than the gifts. They were laying on the sidewalk in a ball, groaning. I got up and ran over to them. I said, "Hey! Are you-" and then I stopped when I saw a familiar blue haired boy.

"Nagisa?!" I said in surprise.

He opened his eyes and stared at me for a second before replying, "KARMA?!"

We both stared at each other for a moment, trying to figure out the last time we had seen each other.

"W-What are you doing here?" Nagisa stuttered.

"I was over here trying to get gifts for my family. What are you doing here?"

"I was here for the same reason. H-here, let me help you with the gifts! I'm so sorry I ran into you like that!" he said with a nervous chuckle.

"No, I had my eyes shut from the wind, this is my fault. No need to apologize."

He smiled and continued to put the gifts back in the bags as I helped him. Thank god I was smart enough to not buy anything that could break easily.

[Time Skip]

I came back to our table at a coffee shop with two coffee's. I sat them both down and Nagisa smiled. "Thanks Karma," Nagisa said happily.

Karmagisa/Nagima (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now