Roommates (Part 4)

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[Nagisa's POV]
I clung to Karma tightly as we zoomed down the road. We were going so fast that I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. Soon enough, we stopped at the grocery store. Karma got off then helped me stumble off the motorcycle. My legs shook so much I could barely stand. Karma held me up until I got my bearings. We walked inside the grocery store and grabbed a cart. Karma looked at his phone and then handed it to me.
"Tell me what's on the list to make this faster."
I nodded and we started walking. I read, "Pork"
"Isn't that obvious?" Karma asked sarcastically.
I shook my head and playfully nudged him with my shoulder. He smiled as we continued walking. I continued reading as Karma ran around finding all the stuff. We were getting the mashed potatoes and then I saw the sign. "Chips On Sale! Buy One Get 2 FREE!"
There was no way... No way... my mouth watered at the thought of so many chips. I quickly grabbed the cart and Karma turned around to see what I was doing. I grabbed the cart handle, put my right leg on the cart, and pushed off soaring down the store.
"Nagisa! Where're you going???" Karma shouted
"Getting stuff, stay there!" I shouted back.
Karma grabbed the mashed potatoes and ran after me. I put my right foot on the wheel and made the cart turn right. I hopped off the cart and stared down the aisle filled endlessly with bags of chips. I immediately grabbed my spicy jalapeno chips, cheesy chips, barbeque, sour cream and onion, salt and vinegar, and regular chips. Then I grabbed the cart and soared down to the freezer area where I got french onion dip. I ran with the cart back to Karma who was still in the chip aisle and said,
"They had a sale and this was very necessary. No judging."
He gave a smirk and then quietly laughed to himself. I jokingly punched him for laughing and said, "Don't laugh at me strawberry!"
He stopped laughing for a moment and just smiled at me. He ruffled my hair and said, "Okay blueberry."
My face lit up red and he giggled. We grabbed the rest of the items on our list and went to check out. Karma got things out of the cart and scanned the items while I bagged everything. At one point, Karma looked over to me as I was bagging things. I felt him staring at me and I looked up. "What's up?" I asked.
"You bag things so quickly it's amazing!"
I smiled in embarrassment and mumbled, "I used to work at a grocery store bagging groceries, it's nothing other than a lot of practice."
He smiled and went back to scanning. My heart couldn't help but leap a little bit at the compliment. It was a step in the right directio- wait what am I saying??? We're friends and just remet! But... some part of me wanted to be with him. I'd think about that later. Right now I'll just focus on being in the moment with Karma.
"Nagi, you ready?"
I looked up and nodded. I grabbed the bags and Karma took the cart. We walked near the bike and I leveled out the weight on the bike by putting the bags on the handles. Karma came back from putting the cart up and put his helmet on as I put on mine. He helped me on the bike again and we went home. Once we got home we went into the kitchen and put everything down on the table. Karma then got out everything he needed and started unpacking the groceries. I was surprised he remembered where everything was, I showed him when we decided he was staying here but even I would've forgotten where all of it was. He started to cook the meat and asked me to make the mashed potatoes and cook the corn. I did both and Karma happily made the pork. He looked so happy, it made me smile everytime I looked over at him. Once I finished the mashed potatoes and corn, he was finished with the pork.
"Hey Nagisa."
"Hmm?" I responded.
"Do you have anything to drink? Like alcohol?"
"I'm 20 Karma, how the hell would I have alcohol??"
"I had some in my fridge when I was 15, it's normal to have alcohol and be underaged."
"I'm not arrested by the cops."
Karma stared at me unamused and then said, "I'll be back in 10 minutes."
Sure enough, 10 minutes later Karma walks through the door with 2 bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka. This wasn't gonna end well.
"Karmaaaa I'm not drinking tonighttttt."
"It's lemon flavored vodkaaaaa" he responded.
I frowned and said, "I'll have a glass but no more than that."
"Sure sure."
He poured me a glass and gave me my plate of food. The food was delicious and tasted even better than I thought it would! I loved it!
"Try the vodka" Karma said as he leaned against the dining room table.
I looked at him and then grabbed the cup and took a small sip. My face lit up, it was so delicious and sweet! Why couldn't I taste the alcohol?? More importantly, how couldn't I taste it?? It was so delicious!
"See? You like it?"
I held my glass up to him and said, "What do you think?"
"Told ya!"
"Fuck off" I said as I laughed.
Karma filled the glass and then sat down with me.
"How much are we gonna drink?"
I smirked and said, "Till we gotta get more! It's too good to not drink."
He smiled and said, "There's the Nagisa I know."

I hope yall enjoyed, and I've decided I am turning this into a separate book, go check it out! I will post more frequently on that book but once it's finished I will go back to this book and continue updating this one more. I am going to throw the existing chapters out one per day until I have to make them then it will be every few days or so. Anyways, get food, water, and the sleeeeeeeeeeeeps! Have a wonderful day/night everyone!

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