Roommates (part 2)

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I'm adding a few more parts before I decide on if it will be a separate story. This one has cussing. Grab a snack and enjoy!
[Nagisa's POV]
I was walking up to room 352, not excited. My school has asked me to show so many students around it's insane. They rely on me to do it at this point. Like come on! I was in the middle of class and I can't have any more homework. They make us do over 5 pages a night and it's due the next day, it's too much.
I walked up the stairs and stood in front of the door. I quietly knocked on the door and slowly opened it. I peeked inside and Ms. Yamamoto said "Oh! Here he is now!" I didn't know if she was talking about me or someone else so I said, "Uhm, Ms. Yamamoto, whe-" I stopped. The new student was in the room and I remembered him. From middle school! It was- "KARMA?!"
He stared at me, realizing who I was.
We stood for a moment and then Ms. Yamamoto said, "Oh, good. You already know each other. I already handed Mr. Akabane has his schedule and you two have the same classes to make it easier. You two should go to class now."
We were both still stunned but walked out of the room together. Karma shut the door behind him. He then sighed and hugged me from behind.
"Why'd you never text me?"
Oh shit, I forgot to text him! He gave me his number in middle school and I forgot to text him.
"I'm so sorry, I f-forgot to text you. I had a lot going on a-and-"
"Do you still have my number?" he interrupted.
"Y-yes.." I stuttered.
"Then text me at the end of the day."
I hadn't talked to him in so long and I was getting flustered and turning red... I said, "We need to get to class." and walked away. He caught up to me and walked with me to our first class, then the next, and the next. During class he would wink at me, stick his tongue out at me, and he wouldn't let me focus. I couldn't think at all, all I could think about was him. He wouldn't let me focus.
After class he asked, "Hey, are the dorms here nice?"
I nodded and answered, "Yeah, they're like apartments and they're extremely nice, why do you ask?"
"I was wondering if I should get one or stay in my apartment now. Speaking of dorms, can I see yours?"
I stopped walking and Karma turned around, "Are you getting flustered Nagisa?"
I frowned and looked up at him. I looked down, closing my eyes, still visibly annoyed, and said, "J-just follow me!"
He smirked and followed behind with his hands in his pockets. Great. How would I ever get through school with this beautiful redhead in my life?? We continued walking to my dorm. When we got there we went inside and he gasped. I looked behind me to see an adorable strawberry with an amazed look on his face.
"It's so clean! How do you keep it so tidy??"
"I have a lot of free time so I clean when I have time."
He looked around a little longer and said, "Nakamura was right! You should be a maid with how spotless your place is."
I turned around and I could feel Karma looking at me, probably smirking like usual. He walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around surprised and looked up at him. He was smirking. Then his smirk went away for a split second as he asked,
"Can I stay the night?"
I hope you enjoyed!! I will have another part out very soon, in the mean time, get food, water, and sleeeeeeep. Have a wonderful day/night 👋 

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