Kicked Out (Part 7)

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TW: Smoking

[Karma's POV]

This couldn't be happening. Kicked out? No way in hell we were on that list. I started looking through the list at all of the names, blocking out the noise of the yelling from the other people. I looked through the "K" names. Kally, Kaliye, Kao... then I saw my name... Karma. I thought I'd be sick. The thought of not having a place to stay due to having to many of us was insane. I then looked through the "N" names. Naci, Nae... Nagisa. Shit. We were both kicked out and didn't know what to do. I looked at Nagisa and saw his worried face. He looked at me, tears almost coming out of his eyes. I pulled him into a hug and I read the rest of the print.

"Due to there being too many people in the dorms, we are kicking some of you out. We know this is difficult, but we are planning to build more dorms very quickly so you can continue your studies on campus. We will give you your money back that you paid for this dorm, and hopefully have you all back in soon.You have until Friday, 12/22/23, to be out of here. Thank you.

-School Directors"

I lead Nagisa back to our dorm. We weren't going to class today, we had to pack and plan where we were going to stay. We clearly couldn't stay with Nagisa's mum, and he doesn't know where his dad lives. I'd have to call my parents, though they won't be happy. What else am I supposed to do? I took him back to our dorm room and he was in tears overthinking everything. I sat him at the counter in the kitchen and made him some lemon drop tea, his favorite. "I'm going to call my parents and see if they'll allow us to stay at their house," I spoke quietly handing him his tea. I kissed his forehead and turned around walking over to the small hallway to the front door.

I called my mum and it started ringing. To my surprise she picked up the phone. "Hey mum," I said with a nervous tone. "Hey Karma." Her tone was rough and annoyed as usual. I heard her take a hit of her cigarette and then said, "Why are you calling now?" I nervously responded, "U-uh, me and my boyfriend are getting kicked out of our dorms... They had too many people in the dorms and had to get rid of some and we were some of the unfortunates."

She sighed and said, "Why the fuck are you calling me then? You think I'm going to let you and your 'boyfriend' stay in my house?? Karma I know you're not that stupid." I sighed and said, "Thanks for your support," in a sarcastic voice.

She hung up and I let my phone away from my face sighing. I looked through my contacts and then called my friend.

"Hey man! It's been a while," I told him. "Yo Karma! How've you been?" I shuttered, "Well that's kind of what I was calling you about." "Oh? What's wrong?" he asked. "Me and my boyfriend got kicked out of our dorms because there were too many people. Do you mind if I stay with you for a little bit until we can get an apartment? I'm sorry to ask this-" He interrupted me by saying, "Don't worry man, I'll always help you and your boyfriend! Nagisa is it? You guys ever need help you know you can always call me." "Thanks, it really means a lot." I smiled in relief. I turned around looking at Nagisa. He heard the relief in my voice and looked at me with big eyes. I said goodbye and hung up.

"Who was that?" Nagisa asked. "I called my friend Angie, he's going to let us stay with him as long as we need!" Nagisa was ecstatic. He ran to me and jumped in my arms, hugging me tightly. He squealed with all his worries fading out of his head. He kissed my cheek and said, "I knew you'd figure it out!" I smiled hugging him back. He kissed me again and said, "Now we have to find boxes."

I chuckled and Nagisa walked out of the hug to the closet that held all of our boxes. He took them all out and laid them against the wall. He walked back over to me and said, "We better start packing. They want us out by Friday, right? That's only 4 days plus school." I nodded and walked over to grab a box. Nagisa handed me the box tape and I started to assemble them. He grabbed my first assembled box and wrote "Kitchen" on the box. He then went into the kitchen and started to neatly pack our pots and pans.

After all of the boxes were put together, I went into the living room and started to pack up our CD's, movies, and consoles.

[Time skip to Friday]

Now it was Friday, our last day in this dorm. I got up out of bed and got ready, putting on the clothes I left out the night before and fixing my red hair. I then woke up Nagisa and he groaned, squinting his eyes at the blinding sun. He looked at me till squinting. I smiled while holding his face and said, "Good morning beautiful." He smiled and said, "Good morning!" He sat up and I said, "For breakfast, I was thinking we should order some Panera. We have enough time since we woke up early." Nagisa's eyes lit up. I knew it was his favorite place. He looked over at the clock which read "6:30". He nodded excitedly and I smiled in response. "What do you want?" He opened and closed his hands, wanting the phone. I gave it to him and he put in his order. He handed it back to me and I said, "Alright, it's ordered. Now get ready, we still have school." He nodded and got up quickly. He got ready and waited eagerly in the kitchen.

Once it arrived, Nagisa ran to the door and opened it. He took the food from the nice delivery person and shut the door. He grinned as he put it on the counter, getting out all of his food and opening it. He got a hazelnut oatmilk espresso, his favorite kind, and a pecan braid with 2 chocolate chip cookies. He ate all of it very quickly, enjoying every bit. I just got a lemonade and a biscuit, which was delicious to say the least.

After we ate, we went to school, which was tiring as usual. I almost fell asleep in class again from my lack of sleep. I met with Nagisa at the front door to the university like I did every day and we walked back to our dorm. As we walked back, we talked about how we were going to fit all of these boxes in a USV. I mean, yes it was a good sized car. But there were so many boxes, we doubted that they'd fit.

Once we did get back, my friend was already there waiting for us outside. We went in and put all of our stuff in the car. We got in the car and drove off to our new house.


Sorry this one was a little long. Get food, water and sleep, all the necessities! Have a wonderful day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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