Car Crash

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[Very Long] (this is the longest one I've written)

The first half was written quickly so I'm sorry if it's not as good as my other stories. I also wrote the first half on 3 coca colas and 4 hours of sleep. I do not own the movie I mention in this either. This one has cussing, fighting. Enjoy!


[Karma's POV]

As I woke up, the sun shined in my eyes. I squinted and put my arm over my eyes to block out the light. Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened my eyes and sat up. I held my neck and stood up. I walked over to the door and yelled, "Coming!" I opened the door and Nagisa was standing there. I widened my eyes. He was smiling, but he had bruises and cuts all over his body. His light blue shirt had blood stains that would never come out. He then opened his eyes and said, "Can I come in?" I opened the door more and stepped back, allowing him to come in. He walked in my house, and I shut the door, I then turned around and grabbed his shoulder, asking him, "What happened to you?" He lowered his head and tears fell off his face.

"M- my mum happened..." he stuttered.

I turned Nagisa around to see his tear-filled eyes. I took him into a comforting hug and put my hand on the back of his blue hair. I rested my head on top of his and said, "It will be alright, I'm going to get band aids for your cuts."

He nodded and then I let go of him. He slowly walked over to the couch that was against my bed and he sat down. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my medicine kit and went back into the living room. I walked over to where Nagisa was sitting, and I crouched in front of him. I opened the kit and grabbed some cleaning wipes. I took one out of the package and started cleaning the cuts on the blunettes leg. His leg jerked and I looked up at him. He had a pained expression on his face.

"It stings," he said, squinting his eyes.

"It's going to sting a little, but if I don't clean the cuts, it could get infected."

He nodded and allowed me to clean the rest of the cuts on his leg. I put band aids on the cuts and repeated this process. After I got all of the visible cuts cleaned and bandaged, I asked him, "Do you have any more cuts?"

He nodded and stood up. I stood up as he turned around. He pulled up his shirt and there was a very big slash on his back.

"Oh my god..." I whispered in fear. "How did this happen?!"

Nagisa swallowed and said, "My mum took a knife to me. I didn't want to wear makeup and she didn't take that well. She punched, cut and kicked me. She shoved me to the ground and cut my back... that's how this happened."

I stared at his cut and asked, "Can I try to clean it?"

Nagisa slowly nodded and he sat down on the couch with his back facing me. I very carefully cleaned his cut. Nagisa whimpered and squeezed his eyes closed. I finished cleaning his cut and grabbed a wrap. I then started to put the wrap on Nagisa, wrapping it around his torso until it ran out of wrap. I tucked in the last piece and said, "Done."

Nagisa dropped his shirt and said, "T-thank you."

I walked up behind him and put my arms around him. I asked him, "What do you want to do today?"

Karmagisa/Nagima (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now