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I'm going to try to make this one short because I just wrote a whole book in the last one. It has cussing and I hope you enjoyyyy!
[Karma's POV]
Today was my first day at university. I wasn't very excited, but if I wanted to become a lawyer, I had to go to school for it.
I woke up early this morning, got on some nicer clothes then my regular black jacket and red t-shirt, and went to a nearby corner cafe. I got a vanilla coffee and a blueberry muffin. They changed the recipe from their usual ones, but it was still pretty good. After I ate it, I got another for school so I wasn't hungry.
I don't think my new school would like that I had food, but it's not like they could do anything about it. I paid for my muffin and left. My school wasn't very far, only 10 minutes away. But I didn't want to be late right away or I would get my grade lowered for sure. I was told they were much more strict than Kunugigaoka.
As I came over a hill, I saw my new school, and maybe my new dorm too. I thought about moving into a dorm but that's to decide later.
I parked my car and walked into the school with my bag in hand. I looked at the email on my phone.
"Hello Karma,
Go to room 352 for your schedule. Thank you
-Ms. Yamamoto
Well great. They never told me where that room was. I wandered around for a bit, looking at the numbers on all of the doors. I went to the third floor and saw room 329, I was close by. I walked down the hall and counted the numbers on the wall. "330, 331, 332..." Damn this was taking forever. I ran down the hall a bit longer and finally saw the room. I walked inside and there was a woman that greeted me.
"Hello! You must be Karma Akabane."
I nodded in response. She turned around and handed me a schedule.
"This is your new schedule! I know this looks scary, but it's not very difficult once you get around. I called someone that will show you to your classes  this week. He has the same classes as you and is a very good student!"
Great, just what I needed. Some annoying kid that wouldn't leave me alone. I heard the door open and looked behind me. As it opened slowly, the woman said, "Oh! Here he is now!"
I sighed but was curious. I saw a blue haired boy peak around the corner or the door.
"Uhm, Ms. Yamamoto, whe-" he noticed me standing there and stopped talking. His jaw dropped as he stared at me. "KARMA?!"
I stopped, remembering this boy. It was- "NAGISA?!"
Well... this year just got better.
If you want me to continue this, please comment that you enjoyed it. I'm thinking about doing a few more parts to this and maybe stopping, but I also am thinking of making this a book unto itself. Have a wonderful day/night and get food and water! Bye! 😁

Karmagisa/Nagima (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now