Escape Plan (Part 2)

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[Very long] (at least it has a good ending in my opinion)
**THIS STORY IS 14+** READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I am so so sorry this came so late, I kept losing motivation and dealing with my parents' wedding, school, and mental health, and extreme friend problems but it's finally here! Thank you all for waiting for this chapter! This story has more romance than my other stories, also has cussing, gore, nonlogical parts, fighting, physical abuse, disturbing scenes with blood, imagery of dead people and a sad scene. You've been warned so read at your own risk. Also a character's pronouns are she/they, sorry if it gets confusing. Texting will be in bold. Grab a snack and enjoy!
[Karma's POV & Flashback]
Nagisa's mum right hooked me. My eyes widened as I flew into the wall next to me. How was she stronger than me?! I laid on the ground unresponsive.
I could hear Nagisa screaming my name, but couldn't do anything other than lay on the ground and hold my ribs in pain. Next thing I heard was another smash into the wall. I immediately opened my eyes and looked up. Nagisa was laying on the ground knocked out entirely. I immediately freaked out and tried to move closer to Nagisa but my ribs hurt to the point I could barely move. I looked at Nagisa's mother, and then her hands. I didn't realize this before, but she had metal spikes on her knuckles. That's why this hurt so bad. She jabbed me in the side with spikes, that crazy bitch. I guess she hid them in her coat pockets until just a little bit before she hit me.
I yelled, "NAGISA!!!" as his mother dragged him out of my apartment. I tried to get to my feet but failed multiple times. Nagisa's mum dragged him down the stairs by his legs, hitting his head on every step until he hit the hard concrete at the bottom. Once Nagisa's mum was about half way into the street when I finally got myself to the railing. I pulled myself up while holding my side, and yelled, "NAGISA!!!" over and over. . . but it was too late. . . before I knew it, Nagisa was in the car with his mum and they were already gone. Those were the last things I remembered that day.
[End of Flashback]
I woke up in the living room with a bandage on my ribs and a note on the table next to me. I started to pull myself up but then dropped at the sharp pain in my ribs. I held my side tightly grunting at the feeling. I just barely got the note before I got another pain wave. I struggled to read it but it said,
I heard screaming and someone walking away from the apartment complex so I waited for them to go away and saw you outside on the walkway past out with a little puddle of blood so I bandaged you up and called the cops after I wrote this. I saw the hide-away key and locked your door for you. If you want more help with anything, come get me
-Yukiyama Room 201
I immediately grabbed the side of the table and the couch to brace me as I tried to stand. I shook as I held myself up and then grabbed the counter and almost smacked my face into it. I then used multiple chairs and walls as support until I got to the door. I opened it and fell on the railing.
"201. . . That must be to the right," I thought to myself.
I then knocked on her door. I heard footsteps and then the door opened. She looked surprised and scared. She was still in pajamas and her hair was a mess. She had bags under her eyes, I don't think she got good sleep last night from all the stress. I had messy hair, blood all over me, and some blood dripping down my lip as an effect of being hit. I also had a few bruises but to a normal person they would look really bad so I looked like a trainwreck.
"OH MY GOD!! ARE YOU OKAY??!!" she exclaimed.
"I saw your note and decided to come over."
She saw I was struggling and immediately ran out and put my arm around her neck to support me. She helped me walk inside and she sat me down on her couch. She immediately ran to her bathroom and got another wrap and some medicine for my injury. She ran back and said, "Sorry if this seems weird but I need you to take your shirt off. I-it'll be easier to treat your wounds with it not on."
I could tell she was embarrassed but I complied and took it off. I looked at the bandage and it was dark red. She immediately unraveled the old bandage and put the medicine on. It hurt like a bitch but I got through it. She then rewrapped it with the new bandage and then threw the old one away in the trash. I put my shirt back on and said, "So, what happened yesterday? I remember how I got hurt but not much after."
She sat on the other side of the couch and said, "I don't know a whole lot of what happened yesterday. I heard a lot of screaming next door and was kind of scared. I grabbed my huge ass pocket knife and sat next to the wall where my door is on the floor. If someone came in, they wouldn't see me since my door has one row of little windows  on the opposite side I was sitting at. If someone walked far enough through the door I could come up behind them and immediately attack and call it protecting myself. If no one saw then no one can say anything different. Considering all the screaming and I would expect them to come in with a weapon it would've been self defense in other words."
"I like how you think," I said with my usual smirk.
She smiled back and said, "But I heard them walk by my door but then go down the stairs with something dragging behind them. I looked out and saw someone's head hitting the steps while some person was dragging them by their legs. Then I heard you scream "Nagisa" and watched the car drive away. Once the car turned down a different path I ran outside and saw you unconscious. The note probably explained the rest so I'm not gonna get into that."
She stopped for a moment and said, "I hope you know I don't see you as someone to date, just someone to help."
My eyes widened in surprise. Of course I didn't like her like that, but it caught me off guard when she said that.
"I doubted you would, especially when I showed up looking like a trainwreck."
She laughed then said, "It doesn't matter to me if someones hurt or not it just matters what they act like. You act too similar to me to the point it's a little creepy."
I smirked, "Hah, I've never heard someone say I was too similar to them."
"Well now you have. Yukiyama," she said as she stuck out a hand. "Everyone calls me Yuki though."
I took her hand and shook it. "Karma, and the boy who was being dragged is Nagisa and the person dragging him was his mother. Don't know what her name is, but she's fucking insane as all get out. If you're wondering, the reason this happened is because she caught Nagisa and I. . . on the couch." I said as I put a hand over my face. Yuki looked a little flustered but the truth was better right now than lying. "She wasn't supposed to come over and caught us off guard. This is what happens when you disobey her. She's fucking insane and beats her own son for being late past his curfew and gives him bruises and cuts and has fractured a few of his bones before. . . I kept telling him he needed to tell someone where the scars and bruises really came from but he didn't want to because she'd find him no matter what; and I didn't retaliate because I knew that was true."
Yuki looked at me with a worried expression and then looked at the floor. She stayed silent for a while. She whispered, "I- I'm sorry about Nagisa. No one deserves that, especially when it's a minor mistake like that," she said as her volume slowly grew. She let out a sigh and then said, "I have a friend that's great at tracking and another that is great with different things like this that can help us create a better and more thought out plan. First, have you tried calling Nagisa?"
Damn, I never thought about doing that.
"No," I responded.  "I hadn't even thought of that."
"Well give it a try and let's hope it works."
I picked up my phone on the coffee table and unlocked it. I went to contacts and picked Nagisa. I hit call and waited. It immediately went to voicemail and the fear set in. I immediately tried calling again and it went to voicemail again. I tried one last time, and it rang. It continued to ring for a while and right before it went to voicemail someone picked up. I put it on speaker.
"Nagisa?! Are you there?!"
There was a little bit of a pause and then I heard her.
"Nagisa isn't able to pick up the phone right now."
My face fell. I looked over at Yuki and her face looked like mine. Jaw dropped, stunned, wide eyes, just in shock.
"M. . Mrs. Shiota? . . . "
"That's right. Now Nagisa isn't able to talk right now, he's busy with something right now."
"Wh..what've you done?" I said in a stern and concerned voice.
"Oh, just giving him what he deserves. He's still alive, but . . . not in the best shape."
"Oww! Why . . . Why d-do you ha-ave to be . . . such a b-"
I heard a loud noise like a stomp and then Nagisa screaming. . .
She didn't respond. I could only hear Nagisa's cries.
"What kind of mother does this to her son? . ."
"Meet me in the woods closest to your house. Follow the blue stripes and you'll find us. If you don't meet us there by 8:35 p.m.(20:35) you'll never see Nagisa again."
She hung up and I stared at the coffee table. Yuki stood up and ran over to her phone on the kitchen counter.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Texting my tech friend. They'll be able to give us an IP address so we can see if we can get to him sooner."
"He lives in an apartment, she's smart enough to not take him somewhere where other people can hear."
"Exactly. She would take him somewhere else where no one would know about and where no one could hear him. Maybe a basement or somewhere else but my friend can track where the call came from and we can go there and get Nagisa."
At this moment, I felt a little bit of hope. I realized that I could actually get him back and that it wouldn't be as hard as my brain was thinking. I had dealt with her but nothing at this level. We figured out where Kaede and Kanzaki were on the school trip, what says I can't find Nagisa? Yuki called her friend and put them on speaker.
"Hey Keiko! Can you track a call for me?"
"What's this for?"
"I need to find someone, my neighbors boyfriend to be exact," It made me flustered when she said boyfriend, we hadn't even talked about that yet. But I had to focus on Nagisa. "His mum has taken him somewhere and we need to find him very quickly."
"Ok, do you want to come over to my house so I can track it or should I come over there?"
"We'll come over so you don't have to spend more time setting up. We'll be over in 5."
"Ok see you then."
Yuki rushed into the hallway and said, "Follow me."
I quickly got up and ran after her. She ran into her bedroom and grabbed a bag from her closet. Her room was very tidy and had an e-girl style with a computer setup and lots of plants. She grabbed a solid black hoodie and solid black sweatpants that matched, then ran into her bathroom and grabbed lots of bandages and wraps and her first aid kit.
"C'mon we gotta go. Their apartment isn't too far from here."
We put on our shoes and then she opened the door and ran to her bike. It had longer rods on the back wheel for someone to stand on. She got on and then I stepped on and held onto her shoulders. She turned around and biked up the hill rather fast, I was surprised she was so quick about it. She then turned to the left and stopped at a building. She locked her bike onto a metal pole and ran for the stairs. We ran up four flights of stairs and then she ran onto the balcony. I started up the stairs and then turned back to follow her. She stopped at door 827 and opened it.
"We're here!"
We took off our shoes and then she yelled, "Can he come in your room?"
Keiko yelled back, "Yeah, that's fine."
"Follow me." she ordered. We walked through a door further into the apartment and Keiko was sitting there in her chair. It was a dark room, black walls and ceiling, blackout curtains, dark purple carpet, black purple and pink bed, everything was either black purple pink or white. She had lots of fairy lights strung across her room and lots of shelves that held books, plants, or figures. Yuki sat down on her knees next to Keiko's desk. Yuki handed her my phone and she plugged it into her PC. She went to my calls and said, "It's the top one right?"
I nodded and she did something on her computer that pulled up a black tab with a text bar in it. She typed in some kind of code and a green bar started to fill. I watched as she did a few more things and then there was a map that popped up with a big red circle where the location was.
"There they are," she said in a soft voice.
I signed in relief and slouched. Thank god we found him.
"Where is that at?" Yuki asked, standing up on her knees.
"Hm, it's up on clover street about 15 minutes from here, but. . . it looks like it's in the woods behind it. It's about 31 meters from the road. Not very far but it's under a lot of dirt, looks like it could be a basement or a secret jail or something along those lines. Either way you can barely tell that it's there. You'd have to walk up to it and look for anything that could be helpful to get in."
Yuki sighed as she stood up, "Well, looks like we should be heading over there now. The faster we get there, the safer Nagisa is."
I nodded and stood up. We thanked Keiko and left. I held the map as she biked quickly down the road. I had one question though and asked, "Yuki, how am I going to carry Nagisa back? I have to hold onto you to ride this and he won't be able to hold on by himself."
Yuki smiled and said, "Don't worry, we're making a quick stop to my storage room that's about 5 more minutes away from us. I have something better that will solve that whole problem."
I trusted her with this, but didn't know what she was planning. She biked over to the storage locker and we got off the bike. She looked around and then pulled a key out from her knee high sock. She opened the lock with it and grabbed the bottom of the roll-up door. She looked over to me and said, "Hey, I need a little help!"
I dropped down and grabbed the heavy door and pulled up. It was a struggle, the door was very heavy and tried to fall back down on us, but we managed to keep it up. I let go of the door as I pushed it up and then looked down to see a white electric motorcycle with black on it and two helmets. It was very fancy. It looked like it had never been touched. Not a scuff, scratch, or dent in it. Not even a single spec of dirt. She looked at me and said, "I think this'll be much faster than the bike."
I smiled and helped her drag it out of there. We shut the door of the storage box and pulled the motorcycle onto the road. She turned it on and the black lit up pink and was the prettiest bike I'd ever seen.
"Well hop on already! Let's go save your boyfriend!"
I got on and said, "He's not my boyfriend."
"Sure sure, just the friend you've been messing with for two weeks straight? Uh huh, totally not your boyfriend," she ended in a small laugh.
I pulled up the map on my phone and put on my helmet. I directed her to clover street and we got off. I followed the beckoning red dot on my screen. We walked for maybe 3 minutes and I stopped. Yuki stopped not far behind me and I said, "This is the place. . ."
Yuki immediately started looking around and then dropped to the ground and started spreading the leaves around. I asked in almost a whisper, "Yuki, what are you doing?!"
She ignored me and continued to dig through the leaves.
"Just like I thought," she said in a quiet voice.
I walked over to her and she pointed to the ground. It was a metal plate, the entrance. I dropped down and threw the leaves back and eventually we could see the entire place. Yuki got up and started walking around the metal plate.
"What are you doing now?"
"It's a metal plate with no opening. . ." She looked down and grabbed something with both hands, "so if there's no opening, there must be a lever to open it."
She pulled a massive lever out from under the leaves and the plate started to move. I quickly got off it as she opened it. The plate stopped moving and there were stairs that led down. We looked at each other and walked down. As we walked down the plate moved back into place and I turned on my phone flashlight. We slowly walked down the steps, and it wasn't very long before we hit the ground. Once we got off the stairs, we saw a very long hallway that had very little light in it. Yuki got close to me and I looked at her. She was creeped out by this place which isn't an astonishing thing, it had a weird feeling to it. It made you have a rush of adrenaline just by looking at it.  I turned off my flashlight just in case, and I couldn't see any camera's anywhere so we were in the clear for that. We slowly walked down the hallway. In the cells, there were dead people everywhere. They were chained to the walls, dismembered, scared, sick looking. Some cells had small piles of bodies as well. It was very disturbing, and each cell made me feel more and more nervous about Nagisa. Yuki was clinging tightly onto me with her eyes squinted. The bodies bothered her much more than me, all I was worried about was Nagisa. And if he was safe.
I kept looking in every cell, something caught my eye though. It was a blood puddle on the floor that the light was catching. I looked up, and it was Nagisa's blood. Tears immediately filled my eyes as I saw the blunette lying up against the wall unconscious. He had scars all over his body, lots of bruises, gashes, a black eye, deep cuts. He was in the worst possible shape you could've ever seen him in. I almost dropped to the floor at the sight in front of me. I was speechless. Yuki opened her eyes and looked to the left where Nagisa was. She immediately gasped and put her hands over her mouth.
"Nagisa!" she quietly sobbed.
That's when all of it hit me. The second she said his name it was like the whole impact and all of the grief hit at once.
"Do you have a key?" I sniffled.
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and then looked at the bit of wall separating the cells. There was a key hanging on it. She grabbed it and unlocked the cell. I immediately ran in and dropped next to Nagisa. I picked him up and sobbed. Yuki came close next to me and I looked at her. She still had tears rolling down her face, but was holding the bandages from her bag with a smile on her face. I smiled back and nodded. I sat Nagisa down on the ground and she started to bandage him. I watched the hallway as she continued disinfecting and bandaging his wounds. I stared at the floor, wondering how I let any of this happen. How any of this could've happened in the first place. We should've been more careful, or not even done it to begin with. . . I started to have regrets because of what happened in the end, Nagisa getting hurt, the trauma along with it, we were foolish to think we could ever get away with that. As I was deep into thought, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around quickly. It was Yuki. She had a surprised look on her face. She then had a concerned face and pointed at Nagisa. He had bandages covering him. She took out his ponytails and put him in the sweatpants and hoodie she brought with us. A perfect fit for Nagisa. I walked over to him and slowly picked him up. Another tear dropped from my face and I smiled at Nagisa, hoping he could feel my hope for us. I stood up with Nagisa in my arms and walked out. We walked by all of the cells once again. Yuki stayed close to me but didn't hold on. I'm guessing it was because she was scared of making me drop Nagisa if she did. Suddenly, I heard something bounce off the ground. I turned around and saw a tiny rock coming towards us. I followed it with my eyes until it stopped.
"Look!" Yuki whispered. There was someone standing far enough away I couldn't see who it was, but I knew in my gut who was there. The person standing in front of us moved to the left and someone behind them moved to the right. Now there were 3 of them. They all walked forward and we stepped back.
"Oh come on, why are you walking away from us?"
I knew that voice. That sickening, terrifying voice that made my spine shiver.
"Come with us and you won't turn up like these people in the cells you can see. Trust me" 
I grabbed Yuki's arm, holding Nagisa in one arm now, and whipped around to bolt down the hall. I heard a snap and then guns were shooting after us. We ran faster and faster until we almost tripped because we ran too fast. The shooting stopped and then we heard running behind us. The 2 guys shooting at us started running after us. We got to the room with the spiral stairs and pulled the lever. They were coming down slowly, and we nervously waited. One of the men coming after us shot at the stairs. Yuki and I ran around the wall to take cover and we heard an awful sound. The metal was stopping. The stairs jammed. We were doomed.
"Fuck!" I muttered under my breath.
The two men came around the corner and stopped in front of us. I put Nagisa down gently behind me while watching the men and Yuki and I both put up our fists, ready to fight. They ran at us and we both punched them in the face. They were knocked backwards and their guns fell out of their hands. I went in between the two men and started fighting them while Yuki ran for the guns. She picked them both up and looked at me. I nodded and continued fighting the men. I kicked one of their shins and he dropped to the ground. I jumped up using his face and the other man's shoulder to propel myself upwards. Yuki threw the P90 at me and I caught it. I landed and whipped around pointing the gun at the man on the ground. If we wanted to get out of this, we'd have to get back to Nagisa. Our positioning wasn't good. They were closer to Nagisa than we were. Yuki pointed her AR-15 at the man on the ground while I pointed the P90 at the standing one. I shot to the left of him to get him to move over. He did, and Yuki and I got in front of Nagisa again. The man tried to come at us with a knife. He ran at Yuki and my first instinct was "Shoot or get killed". I shot him in the head and he fell back and didn't get back up. I put a bullet through the guy on the ground too. Yuki and I shot into the hallway a bit to make sure nothing was coming at us. I helped Yuki up the stairs and then picked up Nagisa. She helped get him up onto the stairs while I pulled myself up. I picked Nagisa back up, allowing a tear to escape from my eye.
"He will recover quickly. He will fight this off easy. From what I've heard about Naigsa, I don't think he would want you to worry, only be happy we all survived."
I smiled and fought back the rest of my tears as we got back on Yuki's bike. We drove to her apartment and she said I should probably stay in her apartment in case Nagisa's mum really is alive and comes looking for him. I agreed and we went into her apartment.
"Is he still asleep?" she asked.
"Yeah," I answered quietly.
"You should put him in my bed so that he isn't more uncomfortable when he wakes up. I'll go find my air mattress."
"Is that where you'll sleep?" I asked a little angry that he was in her bed, but also understood her point.
"Oh no, I'm sleeping on the couch. My apartment doesn't have very many windows so us sleeping in the living room won't be a risk. I have lots of curtains that I'll constantly keep shut."
"You didn't let me finish," she said annoyed, "the air mattress is for you. I was going to sleep on the couch so you're comfortable. Unless you wanted to sleep in my bed but I'd worry for Nagisa's safety while he's in this condition," she said sarcastically.
"Why wouldn't he be safe with his boyfriend?" I asked with a smirk on my face.
"You seem like the type that would sleep-fight. Poor Nagisa doesn't need shit from you while he's already hurt enough."
(Authors note: You're close to the ending, sorry it's so long 😅)
I looked at her with a sarcastically surprised face and gasped. Yuki giggled and said, "I'm going to get the air mattress. You should get some clothes from your apartment. I don't know how long you'll be here and for now your apartment isn't safe."
"No faith in me to not sleep-fight huh?" I muttered.
Yuki giggled and walked out the door. I went to my apartment and grabbed some clothes, towels, snacks, my coffee and energy drinks because I need it if I have to kick some more ass, and some movies I like including a pillow and blanket and the basics for waking up in the morning. I put it all in a laundry basket so I could transport it easier when I heard a loud groan outside my apartment. I walked out of my apartment to see Yuki struggling with the mattress. She looked at me embarrassed and I smirked. I put down my basket of things and helped her move the mattress inside. "Why'd you blow it up outside?" I asked.
"Because Nagisa won't be able to rest if this thing is going on inside an apartment with paper walls. Keep that in mind."
I flushed and agreed with her. I grabbed my stuff and sat it inside. We watched a few movies and ate some snacks. I refused to share the majority of my snacks because she should've bought her own if she wanted some. Then she made popcorn and wouldn't let me have any. The audacity! I fell asleep during a movie and had a dream of Nagisa, when he was recovered, Yuki and I going in Kyota, walking around finding amazing restaurants and amazing stores. I lost all my money in that dream. When I woke up I heard Yuki yelling my name. "KARMA!! KARMA WAKE UP!!"
"Why are you waking me up so early?" I was really annoyed. I looked at my watch and it was 4:23 in the morning! Like geez can I not sleep??
I jumped up and ran into her bedroom to see Nagisa sitting up rubbing his eyes and grunting in pain. I walked in to him and started crying.
"Nagisa you're alright!" I was relieved. He was okay! I hugged him and he squirmed a little.
"K-karma. . . My cuts. ." 
I immediately stopped hugging him but lightly held him up.
"Nagisa, I can't believe you're okay."
"Believe it because I'm not going away again," he said with a smile on his face.
I was surprised when he leaned up to kiss me. I held his face and he continued to kiss me.
"I missed you," I said.
"You better have," Nagisa smirked.
He continued to kiss me more passionately and I could feel Yuki still there. I pulled away for a moment and looked at her. She was bright red and Nagisa asked, "Wait who the hell is that?? And whose house are we in??"
"Her name is Yuki and this is her house. She offered to let us stay here and she and her friend helped me get you back. She's a friend, don't worry."
"Thank you Yuki," Nagisa said with a smile.
"Yeah, no problem! I'm going to go take a walk tho, be done in 30 minutes, the walls are paper in this apartment."
Nagisa turned red and Yuki left. I looked back at Nagisa and he looked back at me. Our eyes locked and I kissed him. He kissed me back and it continued.
A few months later we found our own apartment about 30 minutes away from school and Yuki. We lived there and planned things with Yuki and Keiko and I did end up losing all my spending money on them. But we lived in peace after that. Or so we thought. . .
I hope you all liked the story! I probably won't come back to this series and will come up with something different. I'm sorry I didn't upload for so long as well, life has been crazy. But I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Get food, water, and some sleep if you need it! I hope to upload something new soon but I don't know how fast it'll come out. I'm always happy to have story ideas or reading other people's stories! Bye!

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