Haircut (Part 1)

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[Long] (there's part 2 coming soon)

This one has violence, cussing, and abuse which is exclamatory because if you watched the tv show, you know where this is going. Please do not republish my work. I hope you enjoy it!


[Nagisa's P.O.V]

Today when I woke up, I heard things thrown in the other room. It startled me awake and I sat up quickly. I heard something hit the wall and I jumped. What the hell? I thought to myself. I got up, threw on my uniform, and ran out to the living room. I saw my mom taking things and throwing them. I slipped back into my room and hid there, hoping she wasn't going to find me and hit me again... I sat in my room for maybe 20 more minutes and then the noise stopped. I got really scared really quick. Everything went silent. I heard footsteps and then took off my vest just to put it back on to look like I had just woken up. My door opened and I looked up, trying to show no reaction of being scared. I looked up and my mom said,

"Good morning, Nagisa." with a sickening tone.

She then said, "I haven't made you breakfast today, but I don't think it'd be that big of a deal right? Can't you get something at school?" I looked at her confused.

"Can't I get something like a yogurt cup out of the fridge? I don't need much, I just thought I could use some food-" Then I was interrupted by a slap.


My mother screamed at me. I stared blankly at the wall, wondering why I was still taking shit from her. I grabbed my bag off of the chair next to me and walked towards the door. "I'M NOT FINISHED TALKING TO YOU! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!"

My mom grabbed me and threw me on the ground hard. I was surprised by the impact and my mom grabbed my school bag and started hitting me with it. What the hell was happening? Why the hell was this happening? That was the real question I was asking myself. I sat there on the ground with my arms up, trying to protect myself, even though it wasn't going too well. I knew that if I retaliated at all, I would get much worse. After a while my mom got tired. She stood up and gave me one very hard and it made me cough up blood. My mom walked away and she paused.

"Y'know... I wish my daughter didn't fight with me so much."

She walked away and slammed her bedroom door. She was very angry about it. I slowly got up, coughing up a little more blood, and got onto my knees. I used the counter to help me stand up and then I picked up my bag and left for school. As I got to school, I remembered that I forgot to see if there was any blood on my face. I started to grab my phone and then Karma came up behind me, startling me.

"Nagisaaaa. How are you?" Karma asked in a kind voice (which he rarely used). I turned around, forgetting about the blood on my face, and said,

"I'm good."

He took a closer look at me and realized the blood on my face.

"What happened?" Karma asked in a stern voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to act like I didn't know.

"Don't play dumb, Nagisa. I know you're aware of the blood on your face. What happened? I promise I won't say anything."

Karmagisa/Nagima (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now