The Candy Hearts

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This has slight cussing in it. I hope you enjoy reading!


[Nagisa POV]

As I woke up, I squinted my eyes as the sun blinded them. I turned my head, facing my pillow. I sat there for a few minutes, about to fall back asleep, when I heard my mother yell, "Honey! You're going to be late for school!"

I sat up quickly; I rubbed my eyes and held my face, trying to wake up. I got out of bed yawning, and walked over to my calendar on the wall across from my bed. February 14th, I read. How was it already Valentine's Day? I remembered I was supposed to get to school early today, as Koro-Sensei was planning something for us to do today. I quickly ran over in a panic, got my clothes on, put my hair up, and dashed out my bedroom door. "Nagisa! Don't run in the house!" Mother yelled.

"Mom, I gotta get to school!" I grabbed a piece of cinnamon toast on the table and took a bite. Mom ran to get her keys and purse as I finished my breakfast. We both put our shoes on and ran to the car. As we drove off to school, I realized I forgot something. It was my gift! I left my gift at home! "Mom! I forgot my gift!"
"What!?" she yelled as she drove off.

I slapped my palm into my head.

"What am I going to do now?" I groaned.

"After I do some work I'll drop it off. Is that okay?"

I looked at my mother stunned, "you would do that?"

"Don't you need the gift?" she asked, concerned.

"Yes, but I won't need it until 14:30 (2:30 PM)"

"Okay, I'll drop it off before then."
"Thanks mom," I said.

She smiled and stopped at my school. I got out quickly and waved at her. I ran up to the front entrance and swung the door open. I ran to my classroom and slid the door open, panting. Everyone stared at me for a second as I held to the door, trying to support my weight.

"Woah, what happened to you?" Yuma asked.

I looked up and smiled, "I woke up 20 minutes ago."

"Damn, Nagisa. You can't be sleeping in that much. You'll miss important things." Sugaya stated.

"He's absolutely right Nagisa," Koro-Sensei followed. "You missed an important conversation about what we were going to do today. Would you still like to know?"
"Yes, please." I said, whipping the sweat off my forehead.

"Class, who would like to tell Nagisa what we're going to do today?" Koro-Sensei asked.

Kayano took the lead by saying, "We're going to go swimming first, then open Valentine's Day gifts from the teachers, then pass out gifts that the students got for other students or teachers, and then we'll play some games until school's out!"

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Alright kids, get your swimsuits!" Koro-Sensei exclaimed.

All the students started running to the storage room to find our swimsuits and I followed them. Once we got them on, we ran through the woods. Once we reached the pool, Nakamura, Hinano, and Toka jumped in; which was followed by Justice, Terasaka, and Okajima. The rest of us jumped in one by one after they bobbed up out of the water. We had breath holding contests, we played chicken, we had pool noodle fights. One time we knocked Kayano off her floaty and we had to help her back to the edge of the pool where she could hold on. I looked over and saw Terasaka talking with Muramatsu and Yoshida. They all got out of the pool and walked behind Kirara where she was reading. Terasaka grabbed her book from behind her and the boys threw her in the pool. She screamed in frustration as she bobbed back up from the water.

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