Roomates (Part 3)

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Btw Karma is 21 and Nagisa is 20 in this whole story. This part has cussing, and just adorableness. I hope yall enjoy!
[Karma's POV]
I stared at Nagisa, walking forward then stopping. I wondered, "What would happen if I asked to stay the night?" I walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. He whipped around and looked up at me, our eyes connecting. He made an angry face and my smirk softened for a bit. Then I asked,
"Can I stay the night?"
His face froze and he started becoming bright red. He started stuttering and I walked up to him, bringing him into a loose hug. I put a hand on the back of his head and started to ruffle his hair. I whispered, "Just say yes."
We stood there for a while as he was in shock and then he said "U-uh, ok-kay."
I let go and leaned on his kitchen counter.
"What do you want me to make you for dinner then?"
His face went from flustered to a smirk in seconds.
"Really?? That's what you say??"
"What do you want to eat??"
He shrugged and sighed, "I don't know, what do you want to eat?"
I frowned, "You remember how indecisive I am??"
"Well I haven't seen you in 6 years"
"I know you have a brain though."
Nagisa shook his head and smiled then looked at his phone.
"What ya doingggg?"
The blueberry was silent for a moment and then turned to face me.
"What if we make this?"
It was a specific type of seasoned pork with mashed potatoes and corn.
"Nagisa, last time I saw you you hated all of those foods."
Nagisa frowned again and stared at me, "It's been 6 years, a guy can like different things in that amount of time."
He turned his head facing the wall angrily as I sighed.
"Okay! Fine! I'll make the food. I'll go to the store first and grab the stuff."
Nagisa's face lit up, "Can I go shopping with you??"
I never remembered him loving grocery shopping that much, but it's going to be helpful I think.
"Sure, you should probably change and get a heavy coat though."
"Why? It's summer?"
"We're going on my bike and it's going to be cold as fuck with all of the wind, and it's only 15.56 °C  (60°F)"
He ran into the hall and dashed around the corner. He came back around 5 minutes later with a long sleeve shirt, heavy coat, sweatpants, and his black sneakers.
I smirked as I turned to grab my bag. Nagisa followed close by as we walked out the door to get the groceries. Nagisa looked a little nervous about my bike, but how else would we get there? Once we walked down the stairs and over to the bike, I handed Nagisa a white and black biker helmet with blue accents.
"I customised this one for you in your signature colour."
Nagisa smiled, "Thanks Karma!"
I smiled and got on the bike. Nagisa hopped on, his feet barely touching the ground. He almost fell off and grabbed onto me making the bike tip a little. I caught him quickly and helped him adjust so he didn't fall.
"Hold on!"
Nagisa very quickly and tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned on the bike and we drove off to the grocery store, without a care in the world.
I hope you guys enjoyed! I am going to post these as much as I can because I'm liking this story and I'm leaning towards making it its own book which I will probably update more than this if I do until I finish it. Get food, water, and sleep if it's nighttime where you are. Have an amazing day/night and I'll see you soon!

Karmagisa/Nagima (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now