He's Sexy When He's Batshit Crazy!

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Taehyung was instructed to some bed rest for a week to ensure that he could be one hundred percent ready to go back to his duties and not deplete his magic. Jungkook and Jin were at his beck and call for whatever he needed and Taehyung loved it, who knew being pampered like a princess would feel so good!

Jimin came back from his mission and instantly went to see Taehyung and kept him company for a bit, on occasion he wohld ask about paperwork and sign whatever is needed after his review. The mafia job was split between the three, Taehyung would see about recruiting and payments, Jimin for allies and enemies and Jin for procurement and shipping. They are the dream team trio and they get the job done with precision. Since Taehyung is temporarily decommissioned, his 'bunny' did the work for him, often asking about the recruiting process and their monthly payments.

But, Taehyung has had it up to here with staying in bed, he feels better and want to be back where he belongs, dealing with pests and growing his boyfriends empire.
Currently Taehyung was in his bedroom trying to to exit but is failing miserably, Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok were trying to reason with him but the boy just didn't listen and obviously they paid the price.

Feels like deja vu, watching the boys angrily walk down the halls as a halfbreed rabbit, fox and retriver. Taehyung didn't mess around this time, he means business.

Yoongi was in tears as he tried his best to hold his laughter in. Their misery had him in pure bliss but his laughter turned straight when he saw Taehyung walking in the office behind them, "Any word from Brazil?" Taehyung asked as he sat himself at the table, "Yes, they are refusing to co-operate and are threatening to enter the country" Yoongi said as his work mode was turned on,
"Don't be ridiculous, I've been away from my duties for a week and this is was I hear? A mafia that's trying to come into our territory?"

"Well Taehyung, the leader said that a group that is lead by three, shouldn't be a group at all, that three leaders are a sign of weakness"

"Weak huh?" Taehyung inhales and exhales, "Ok let's show them yeah?"

Yoongi started to smile, he can't wait to put some bullets into those who deserve it, as a matter of fact he didn't like the Brazilian cartel in the first place, but it wasn't his place to take them down without command.

"Tae, babe. How are we going to do this? What's your plan?" Jungkook asked while looking at the map of Brazil,

"Weeee, aren't doing anything," Taehyung said while pointing between the two of them, "We," indicating Jimin, Jin and him, "are going to deal with those bastards"

"But Tae-" jungkook was cut off by Taehyung raising his hand,
"I can handle them myself, so can they. But as leaders we have to show that we don't need protection and we can defend and protect. If you want you can come but do not intervene, got it?" Taehyung was speaking like a mother to their children, stern but not forceful.
Jungkook did nothing but quietly agreed to Taehyung's words and Yoongi twisted his mouth in displeasure, he really wanted to pop a few.

Getting the location and all information the trio made a gateway to the cartel, three blocks down to be exact. A little far from the place they needed to be but still close enough to be surrounded by their men. Walking out of the alley, all black and shades on, Taehyung started his work and using his magic never felt so good. Places you would never think of hiding he spot them and instantly ended their lives, Taehyung was barely making a sweat and he was laughing everytime he turned to see gunmen eyes widen before their death,
"He's lost his shit!" Hoseok said as he watched from the corner,
"You would've lose yours to if you were cooped up in a room for some days" Yoongi retorted making the boys laugh.
"Quick he's almost at their front door"
The boys securely ran behind, making sure they were safe with every inch they made.
Now standing behind Taehyung who had his hands in his pockets observing the building, he scoffed, bent his head a little and chuckled a bit while shaking his head.

"This... This is our threat?" he asked, not even looking behind as he looked again in disbelief. The building that they stood in front of them looked utterly abandoned. Its a good tactic, not going to lie, but he is actually seeing through and through the building. Shrugging his shoulders, "Jin, Jimin let's go. You boys stay out here and take care of whoever comes... Shoot to your hearts content"

Walking into the abandoned building Taehyung saw an elevator that looked new, bingo! "Going down?" Jin said as the entered the lift and pressed the only button that was there. It was like clockwork for the trio, jimin formed a shield at the lifts door so when it opens no wild shooting would harm them as they leaned against the walls to hide themselves. The lift goes ding and bullets started to fly all of which were captured by jimins shield. Taehyung took his stance in the middle of the elevator and used the bullets against them, projecting them faster than how they came making those who received fly back with force, he ensured that the man sitting at the desk wasn't harmed. He needed a living gift for his boyfriend.

"So! Think of the three leaders still weak?" Taehyung asked, "I'm not a fan of getting my hands dirty, however I do have a few who would... What do you say?" he continued, biting his bottom lip while lifting his eyebrows twice, as if the invitation he gave was a great one.
"I don't know who you are but you won't leave alive" the head of the cartel said with a heavy accent and a smirk across his face. Taehyung's facial expression changed, calling the brothers by his side he held out his fist, "Rock, paper, scissors for it!" he said and Jin won, leaving the two a little bit disappointed that it wasn't them. The basement they were in was like a light show as Jin let out some of his anger on the man then tied him up.
"Put a nice bow when you tie that knot... I want my bunny to enjoy breaking his gift" Taehyung spoke as he watched Jin tie him up,
"Tae... You're so whipped" Jimin said making his brother laugh.

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