Chapter 1

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My name is DeAndre Williams, but my friends call me Dre. I am 21 years old, and in my third year of college. I share a dorm room with my best friend, Jasmine Brown. Usually they do not allow different sexes to live together, but she insisted since we went through all of high school together that we also needed to experience college together. Honestly, at first, moving in together didn't seem like a good idea because I still didn't have the guts to tell her what I needed to since the first year of high school...that I was madly in love with her.

After running some morning errands, I arrived back at our dorm. I noticed that Jasmine was not home, which was just what I wanted. I had some frustrations that I needed to relieve, and this was the best opportunity to get all of them out. I had been thinking about Jasmine all morning. I could not get her gorgeous body out of my mind; I wanted her so badly. Her breasts, ass, and hips were just...perfect. I could only imagine how her body would feel underneath it would feel to bury myself deep inside of her.

I could feel my buddy rising. Quickly taking off my shorts, I started rubbing myself through the fabric of my boxers. Once I was hard enough, I took my cock out. I wrapped my hand around the base, and slowly began to stroke it.

My eyes closed as I imagined everything I wanted to do to her. I imagined her taking my cock in her hands locking in her silky-brown hair as she took me to the back of her throat...the way she would scream my name as I shoved myself in her tight she would grip around me as every ounce of cum left her body.

Before I knew it, my cock was twitching. I stroked faster, as my orgasm came closer and closer. I couldn't control the soft groans that escaped from my mouth; it felt amazing. After a few more minutes, hot seed shot out all over my chest. I laid against the bed, breathing heavily. It felt good to finally release some of the frustration I was feeling from not being able to have her.

As I was about to get up and take a shower, I heard someone unlocking the door. I quickly grabbed the blanket off the floor, and covered up my exposed body. I watched as the doorknob turned, waiting to see who was coming in.

"Hey, I'm back!" Jasmine exclaimed, as she entered the dorm room.

I could feel my cheeks heat up, "Oh hey, you're home early. I thought you were supposed to get off tonight." I responded, trying to cover my face with the blanket. I was extremely embarrassed, especially since my recent thoughts of her had not been so innocent.

She shrugged. "Nah, my boss let me off early. I guess those are the perks of being one of his best employees." She replied jokingly.

As she stood in front of me, my eyes explored her delicious body. She was wearing a red dress that hugged her curves, and her hair was put into a messy bun. She looked exhausted, but that did not alter her perfection. Her breasts probably caught my attention the most; they were so big and it made me wonder how it would feel to squeeze and lick her nipples.

I snapped out of my thoughts once I heard her calling my name. "Hey pervert, stop staring at my boobs!" she exclaimed playfully.

I blushed," Oh sorry, I didn't realize I was staring."

"It's alright, I won't tell Michael." She responded with a wink.

I could feel my blood start to boil in my veins. Michael...her worthless boyfriend that did not deserve an ounce of her time or attention. No matter how many times he hurt her, she kept running back to him. There had been many nights where I held her in my arms for hours while she cried her heart out. I did not know why she bothered dealing with that asshole when I could give her everything she deserved.

Her phone suddenly rang. When she saw his name, a huge smile crept across her face. She answered the call immediately. "Hey baby. Yeah, I'm available tonight. Okay, I'll be waiting outside." she replied bubbly before hanging up.

"Looks like Michael is taking me out tonight," she beamed, "are you okay being here by yourself?"

I nodded," Yeah, go ahead and spend some quality time with your boyfriend." I responded, trying to mask the disgust in my voice.

Maybe she will be able to notice the sarcasm," I grumbled in my head.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours." She stated, as she was heading towards the door," Oh and find some air freshener; it stinks in here!"

My heart ached, as I got up to get into the shower. I opened my playlist on my phone, and the first song that played on shuffle was "I wished you loved me" by Tynisha Keli. I stood underneath the hot water, deep in thought. If only she knew how much I wanted her...would she ever give me a chance? We had been best friends for what seemed like forever and I knew everything about her: her strengths, her weaknesses, her fears, and her dreams. I was unconditionally in love with her, but she was so far up Michael's ass, she didn't even realize it.

After about twenty minutes of thinking, all I wanted to do was sleep. My body was already exhausted from earlier, and the shower had only made it worse. I put on some boxers and climbed into bed. My thoughts were still on her as I fell into a deep slumber...

I awoke to the door creaking open. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I slowly sat up. There she was...her dress wrinkled and her hair badly messed up. My mouth gaped open in horror as I realized what she had been out doing all night. Without thinking, I jumped up and got in her face. "You slept with him, didn't you?" I asked angrily.

Her eyes narrowed at me, "What are you talking about?"

I grabbed her arm firmly. "YOU SLEPT WITH MICHAEL, DIDN'T YOU?" I asked again, my voice getting louder.

"Stop, you're hurting me!" she exclaimed, "Dre, why are you acting like this?"


She twisted out of my grip. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm a grown ass woman, and if I want to have sex with my boyfriend, it's my business!" she screamed back.

I pinned her against the wall. "No, you shouldn't have let that asshole touch you. He does not deserve you!"

She pushed me with all her strength, knocking me back. There was fear and anger in her beautiful hazel eyes. "No, you're the only one being an asshole. What has gotten into you? You need to calm the hell down before I have Michael come knock some sense into you!" she threatened angrily.

"I dare him to even lay a finger on me," I responded through clenched teeth," he will die."

Tears ran down her cheeks as she silently ran out the door, slamming it in my face. I watched in agony as the only woman I had ever loved ran away from me in fear.

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