Chapter 18

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I rushed out of the car and ran upstairs to Michael's apartment; I could hear Jasmine crying and screaming from inside. Ty tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. "What the fuck do we do?" he panicked.

I quickly pounded on the door as hard as I could with my fist. "Go away Fay, she's fine," Michael snarled from the other side of the door.

I cleared my throat. "It's the police, open up!" I shouted in my best voice.

"Don't say shit," he hissed as he came closer to the door; we stood silent as he unlocked it. 1...2...3, I counted in my head. As soon as I saw the door creak open, I shoved it with all of my strength, knocking Michael to the ground. Ty went in and started kicking him in the stomach. As I walked through the entrance, I stared in horror at the sight of Jasmine. She was naked and curled up against the wall. She also had blood covering her body and both eyes were swollen shut as she cried uncontrollably. I ran over to her, "J-Jasmine, say something!" I exclaimed, shaking her shoulders.

"Dre, is that you?" she whimpered, "I-I-I'm so sorry."

A broken sob escaped from my throat, "I-I'll save you. I just need to call 9-1-1." My hands shook as I grabbed the phone from my pocket and dialed the numbers.

"Hello, what's your emergency?" a clear, feminine voice asked.

"My friend...there's a lot of blood...she's also pregnant," I managed to say through the sobs. After telling her the address, she sent out an ambulance. As soon as I hung up, I turned back to Jasmine, "W-Where's the pain at?"

"Everywhere Dre, everywhere. I'm having contractions," she whimpered.

I looked down to see her holding her stomach. As I looked further down, I could see where a lot of the blood was coming from, "Oh god did your water break?" I gasped.

No. It was too early for the baby to come.

Although she couldn't see, she managed to find my hand, "Dre, it will be okay," she whispered softly.

I nodded, "I know, i'll make sure of it." I quickly got up and walked over to where Ty was still beating Michael's ass; he was bruised and bloody. Ty moved aside as my fist suddenly flew into Michael's jaw, "So you think it's fucking funny to beat on pregnant women? You think it's okay?" I roared as every punch made him moan in pain. Those sounds were like tiny shots of expresso; slowly satisfying my desire to get revenge for my child and her mother. I didn't want to stop until my own knuckles were bloody and sore to the touch.

Suddenly, we heard sirens. Ty pushed me back, "C'mon Dre, let's get Jasmine and get out of here," he hissed. I nodded, and quickly picked her up in my arms.

As we rushed out the door, a wad of spit flew out of my mouth onto Michael's motionless body, "Coward," I muttered, following right behind Ty. I ran to the ambulance with Jasmine tightly in my arms, "Please help us!" I screamed. The two paramedics got out, and quickly helped me place Jasmine onto a stretcher, before lifting her into the truck. Ty and I got in after her. I watched as they covered her with a blanket and put a bunch of needles and medication into her; I felt helpless because I couldn't do anything to help her. I couldn't think straight; my mind was racing faster than the ambulance was driving. Was Jasmine going to be okay? Was the baby okay? What about Ally?

I felt around in my pockets. Oh, shit. I realized that I must've accidentally left my phone on the floor of the apartment. How was I going to contact Ally and let her know what was going on? Why was I not doing anything right?

"Where's Dre?" Jasmine suddenly whimpered. I reached over and grabbed her small, soft hand in mine. She gave me a warm smile, "Dre, I honestly don't deserve your kindness, friendship...or even love. I'm just so thankful to have you," she sniffled.

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