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"Adrienne! T!" I shouted, "Please come put your shoes on!"

Adrienne ran into my arms, "Daddy!" she exclaimed.

"Hey baby girl," I said kissing her on the forehead, "get your shoes on for Daddy."

She gave me a big, toothy grin, "Okay Daddy!" Once she grabbed her shoes from the rack in the living room, I helped her put them on.

One down, one to go, I sighed in my head.

"Terrance, where are you son?" I called out, starting to search all over the house for him.

"It's okay honey, he's with me," Jasmine announced. She came downstairs carrying the lengthy toddler in her arms.

I quickly grabbed him, and put his shoes on. "Baby, I told you about carrying him around like that. He's too big, and you don't need to be lifting anything heavy." I complained.

She chuckled lightly, "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you need to treat me like a baby."

I kissed her gently on the lips; as I reached down to rub her swollen belly. I couldn't believe that she was already five months pregnant with our third child. I was excited because we were having another girl; Alyssa was the name we both agreed with.

"Daddy, where are we going?" T asked curiously.

I smiled. "You remember last year on this day when we went to that place with the grass and big stones? The one that had names on it?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yes Daddy, you told me my first Mommy was sleeping there."

Good, he remembers

"Well, we're going there today. It's been five years since she fell into that deep sleep, and we need to say hello," I explained softly.

Adrienne looked up at me with her big, beautiful hazel eyes, "Daddy, why don't I have two mommies'?" she whispered.

"Uhhhhh well-" I began, not really knowing what to say.

"Because T is special. God gave him two mommies, but he put his other mommy to sleep," she answered.

"Why Daddy?" she asked.

I felt a lump in my throat. How did I explain that to him?

"Kids let's go get in the car!" Jasmine suddenly exclaimed, waddling towards the door. I breathed a sigh of relief; we both didn't have an answer to that one.

After strapping the kids into their booster seats, I helped Jasmine get in. Then I got into the driver's seat and started the car. Things were very different than they were five years ago. I was a married man with almost three kids, I drove a mini-van instead of a jeep, I graduated college and got my dream job as a physical therapist, and I was now living my best life. Tyrone died three years ago in active duty, so I was down to only one best friend; my wife. I missed him every day, but I accepted his death a long time ago. Oh yeah, let's not forget that Michael only lasted a week in jail before he was shanked to death.

Once we arrived to the cemetery, I helped the kids out of the car. I held Jasmine's hand as we walked over to Ally's final resting place. There she was... "Alyssa Grace Steele". I gave the children red roses to place on the grave while Jasmine and I placed sunflowers.

"Good night mommy," I heard T mumble as he gently laid the flower near the headstone.

Adrienne clapped her hands together excitedly, "Mommy! Mommy! Can we go play on that big tree before we leave?" she asked.

Jasmine giggled, "Yes honey let's go," she answered starting to follow behind the kids. She looked back at me, "Are you coming baby?"

I nodded. "Yes in a minute. I just need a moment alone," I sighed.

"Okay," she mumbled as she gave me a passionate kiss. I watched as she and the kids walked away.

I turned back to Ally's grave. A single tear fell from my cheek onto the grass below.

Things have changed so much since you left Ally. I fell in love again after three years. T has gotten bigger since last year. He reminds me of you more and more every day; he even has a weird shaped birthmark on his behind. Anyways, I am finally completely happy again, and it's all thanks to you; you gave me the strength to love in the first place.

I watched as Adrienne and T chased each other around a huge, oak tree; the biggest one in the cemetery. I smiled to myself. My children were growing up beautifully, and I had another one on the way. Both of them seemed to be just like their mothers; Adrienne was stubborn but had the biggest heart, and T had a kind and thoughtful soul. My family gave me a reason to be the happiest man alive.

I blew a kiss at the tombstone. "Goodnight Ally," I mumbled, walking away towards my beautiful family.

The End!

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