Chapter 4

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We sat in a booth at Denny's, our usual meeting spot. Tyrone ate pancakes while I sat with my head between my hands.

"Bro so you just went in there and ate her out?" he asked in pure disbelief.

I looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, and she didn't even reject me. She was moaning and everything."

"So she's yours now right?"

"No, not exactly. She hid it from Michael, so that means either she's going to tell him later or she's not going to tell him at all," I explained.

He shook his head, "Damn, what are you gonna do?"

Before I could respond, I caught a glimpse of Alyssa and her boyfriend, Bryan getting out of a black truck.

"Bruh look," I warned, looking towards the window.

Ty followed my gaze, "Oh shit, its Ally and her Justin Bieber looking ass boyfriend," he joked, "he is so ugly no wonder she keeps fucking black dudes."

"Act cool," I said aloud, trying to keep myself calm.

"Chill out, I fucked her a few weeks ago, and I walk past him all the time like nothing happened. Shit, I even thought about doing it again, but there is too many diseases out here, brotha," he stated with a shrug.

We watched as they entered the restaurant, only turning our heads when they walked past our table following a waiter. When Bryan saw us, he stopped. "Hey guys, long time no see," he greeted cheerfully.

Ty gave him a fist bump, "Wassup man, how are you doing?" he asked, with an obviously fake grin.

"Hey," I greeted sheepishly, giving him a quick handshake. Ally stood beside him, giving me a flirtatious smile.

Bryan motioned for the waiter to come over. "Miss, we want to sit here with them," he stated, "wait is that okay with yall?"

I was going to shake my head, but Ty answered before I could, "Sure man, go ahead." I glared at him from across the table, and he shrugged.

"Hey Dre, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Ally," he said, gesturing towards her.

She waved at me, "Hey Dre, it's so nice to meet you."

Bryan sat next to Ty and motioned for Ally to join us. "Babe, sit next to Dre."

I shook my head, "Nah bruh...ummm... I think your girl should sit next to you," I stuttered.

"Nah bro, it's okay," he insisted.

She grinned, and scooted next to me in the booth. She was so close; I could feel the warmth radiating from her body and I could smell her cheap perfume. I was so uncomfortable; I started to sweat.

After the waiter took their order, I awkwardly listened as Bryan and Ty talked about football. I felt so uncomfortable and guilty; while, Ty acted like they were best friends catching up with each other. As I was staring out the window watching birds scavenge for crumbs in the parking lot, I suddenly felt a hand land on my crotch. I quickly removed it, shooting her a disapproving look. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ally smile. "So guys, what are the plans for spring break? "she asked," Bryan and I are spending the week at his beach house in Miami."

I frowned, "Honestly, I forgot spring break was coming up," I admitted," my parents are on vacation in the Bahamas, so I don't know exactly what I will do now," I lied. Honestly, my parents and I didn't have a relationship because I was raised in various foster homes.

"Well you guys are always welcomed to join us!" Bryan suggested eagerly.

I grimaced, "Actually, Ty and I actually planned to stay at his parents place when spring break came around," I lied.

"Bruh, what are you-"he started.

"We're leaving next Friday actually," I continued, glaring at him.

"Oh, that's cool," Bryan commented, "well, I'm excited. We've needed a break for a while, huh babe?"

She nodded, "Maybe we can be a little naughty while we're at it," she teased.

Oh, I think you have been more than a "little" naughty, I thought.

"Of course babe," he chuckled.

After Bryan and Ally got their food, there was an awkward silence as they ate. I hoped that this little outing would end soon because I was getting nauseous; also, I needed to speak with Jasmine.

Bryan got up, "Well guys I'll be in the bathroom, I'll be right back," he stated. As soon as he was out of sight, I looked at Ty; it was time to make a run for it. We got up at the same time, and started heading towards the exit.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Ally asked.

"Getting the hell out of here," I answered, avoiding eye contact with her.

She quickly got up, and grabbed my arm. "Wait, why did you not call me?" she asked, "I left my number on your dresser."

I tore away from her grip, "Look Ally, last night was a mistake. I was drunk and things went too far," I stated sourly.

"So what, you're just going to forget what happened between us?" she asked, pain in her voice.

I turned around, and saw that there were tears in her eyes. "Bruh let's go, this hoe is tripping." Ty said abruptly.

I motioned for him to wait, and turned back to Ally. "Look Ally, I'm going to be honest with you. I only had sex with you because I wanted to get back at my roommate," I explained.

Her eyes met the floor, as she played with her fingertips. "I understand, I guess I just felt something while you were holding me last night," she responded sadly, "and the way you looked at that girl made me so jealous."

"Look Ally, I don't feel that way about you," I admitted softly, "it was just a one night stand, nothing else."

"She doesn't want you, Dre, but I do!" she exclaimed, desperation in her soft voice.

As I saw Bryan leaving the bathroom, he caught my eye. As he grew near, I nodded towards him and asked loudly, "Ally, what do you want?"

"I-I want all of you," she pleaded with tears flowing down her cheeks," please let me have you for one more night."

"Ally, what the hell are you talking about?" Bryan asked angrily, stopping directly behind her.

She froze, and turned towards him. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorr-"she started before Bryan slapped her hard. As she fell on the floor, everyone in the restaurant stopped what he or she were doing to see the commotion.

Ty quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door. "Oh hell no, it's time for us to go," he warned. I nodded and quickly followed him into the parking lot.

"You need a ride?" I asked, as I quickly headed towards my car. He nodded, and got in the passenger's side. As I started the car, I watched as Bryan stormed out the restaurant with Ally chasing after him, holding her face with her hand. I skidded out of the parking lot, and headed towards Ty's apartment. "I feel kinda bad," I admitted quietly.

"Hey man, don't worry about it," he consoled me," it was time he found out anyway. That hoe has been cheating and using him for over two years."

"I guess you're right," I mumbled.

"Damn, I didn't know he was going to hit her; I felt that shit," he continued.

I tuned him out the rest of the way to his place, finding myself caught up in my thoughts. Did I do the right thing? I felt better knowing that Bryan knew what was going on, but at the same time, I felt like I betrayed Ally.

After dropping Ty off, I headed back to the dorms. As I unlocked and opened the door, I found Jasmine sitting on her bed waiting. Her eyes met mine, "Hey Dre, we need to talk."

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