Chapter 8

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I felt Jasmine tap my shoulder repeatedly, "Dre wake up, we're here," she whispered.

I yawned and stretched out my arms. I looked out the window and noticed the sun was setting. We were finally here after two long flights. During those flights Jasmine opened up to me about work, how weird it was not seeing me and living with Michael, and how excited she was to see her family after two years. I was finally feeling like we were getting close again. Although, when we had first gotten on the plane, an older woman asked if we were a couple, noticing the diamond ring on her finger. "No, we're just friends," she had said. It low-key hurt my feelings, but what she said was true, and I could not do anything about it.

After we got off the plane, Jasmine called her dad to pick us up. We sat on a metal bench outside waiting for him. I paced back and forth, trying to stretch out my sore legs.

Jasmine giggled, "What are you doing, silly?"

"My legs hurt so badly," I complained with a chuckle.

"Mine too, but we can get some rest once we get to the house."

I looked up just in time to see her dad's gray BMW pull up alongside the curb. He rolled down the window, "Hey kids, get your asses in the car," his deep, loud voice boomed.

Jasmine got in the passenger's seat while her dad got out of the car to help me put the luggage in the trunk. I put in Jasmine's bag, while he put in mine. He was a fairly-aged man with a beard full of black and gray hairs, but no hair on top of his head. He was about six feet tall and had a potbelly from excess amounts of beer throughout the years. "Hey Dre, how are you doing son?" he asked.

"I'm good Mr. Brown, how are you?"

He chuckled. "What did I tell you about calling me that? I'm okay with you calling me Jeremy," he commented.

I nodded, and started to close the trunk. He quickly stopped me. "Hey, is my daughter still dating that douchebag?" he inquired.

"Yeah, they're still together," I mumbled.

He scowled, 'I'm surprised she didn't bring him along too."

I shrugged, "I guess he was busy."

"Can yall stop gossiping like girls and get in the car?" Jasmine teased from the passenger's seat.

Jeremy closed the trunk and walked over to his seat, and I made my way to the back seat. The car was silent for most of the ride. I admired the outside scenery; it was so much different from Virginia. There were rows and rows of tall palm trees and buildings.

"So Jazzy, how is school going?" Jeremy asked.

"Its good dad, my grades are all A's," she boasted.

I saw his proud grin from the side view mirror, "that's my girl!"

"You and Dre still sharing a dorm?"

"N-"I began to say.

"Yes it's going great Dre, isn't it?" Jasmine answered, looking back at me with a panicked expression.

I nodded, "yeah."

"Well, how does Michael feel about that?" he asked with a disapproving tone.

She smiled, "He's okay with it, and he trusts Dre."

When she smiled, I felt a pain in my heart. I could see the sparkle in her eyes when he mentioned his name...the obvious love she had for him.

We pulled up at a huge house that had a long driveway lined with palm trees. After putting in a code at the gate, the huge doors swung open. I stared in amazement as we drove up to the chestnut-colored brick house. They had rebuilt it since I last visited.

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