Chapter 16

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"Dre slow down, we're going to get pulled over," Jasmine urged.

"Sorry Jasmine, but Ally could be in trouble. I have to get there as soon as possible before Bryan does something stupid," I responded through clenched teeth. I didn't even know Bryan was in jail, but what did he want with Ally? He already said that he didn't want anything to do with her, so what else was there to say?

"Maybe she's overreacting, maybe he just wants to talk," she mumbled.

I grimaced, "Talk? He doesn't need to say shit to her."

"Dre, that's still his baby. You wouldn't like it if I didn't let you see me," she stated with a "matter of fact" tone.

"That's different. Plus, I literally just found out yesterday that you were pregnant after you hid it from me for three months," I replied harshly.

"You're right, that wasn't a good example," she murmured, "but still, maybe he just wants to see his baby."

"He went to jail for hitting her and the baby isn't even his."

I could feel her eyes on me. "It's yours?" she gasped.

I shook my head. "No, it's Ty's baby," I revealed with a sigh.

She was silent for a long moment. "Oh...that must be weird. I bet you wish it was yours."

"No, things are fine just the way they are," I mumbled. I felt like this was the longest drive home ever; I wanted to get there before something happened to Ally and the baby. "Jasmine, make sure you have your seatbelt on tightly," I said as I pressed down on the gas pedal. I knew that I needed to be fast but careful because there was another mother and child that I needed to protect right in the car with me. Once I finally reached the complex, I found a parking spot and jumped out of the car. "Jasmine stay here," I demanded as I rushed into the building of my apartment. I found Bryan laying against my door with a large bottle of liquor in his hand. He looked a mess; his hair and beard were untrimmed and his clothes were ragged and dirty. He sobbed loudly, "Ally, please just take me back, I'm sorry."

"Get the fuck away from me Bryan! I'm going to call the cops!" Ally screamed from the other side of the door.

I quickly stood over him "You heard her. Get out of here before we have problems," I scowled.

His eyes darkened once they met mine. "So you're the one who's fucking her now? She really is just a dirty slut," he snarled.

"Get out of here now," I warned through clenched teeth.

He chugged the rest of the liquor and stood up groggily, "Come on big man, what are you going to do?"

I balled up my fist. "Bryan get out of here, I don't want to hurt you."

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