Chapter 7

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The rest of the week ran smoothly, school wise. I got all of my work done early, so that I would not have to worry about it during spring break. Jasmine and I did not speak much throughout the week, but I knew that she was busy. It felt weird not seeing her every day after class, but I was slowly getting used to it. I often wondered what she was doing during different times of the day; I missed her friendship and company. I wanted her to stop by for a visit when she was not busy, but I guess Michael needed all of her time and attention. I was still unsure that I wanted to go to California with Jasmine, but I guess it was a little too late to say no; especially, since they had already purchased plane tickets for us.

It was the last thirty minutes of my final class of the day and for the next week. I was excited to get a break from school, but nervous to be spending my whole break with Jasmine and her family.

Tyrone sat next to me listening to music on his headphones, which he had been doing all class. On the other hand, I had spent my time thinking about Jasmine and the many possibilities of how this trip could turn out.

"Hey Dre, you sure you can handle this trip?" Ty questioned.

I shrugged, "I have to try."

"I just don't want to have a repeat of Sunday," he added.

I smiled faintly, "Don't worry about me man, I think I'll be fine," I responded reassuringly.

"Alright brotha, just call me anytime if you need me. I will be chilling with my folks, so I'll be available and hella bored."

I chuckled, "It won't be too bad; your dad is always doing some crazy shit."

"That's exactly why I don't want to go. Ever since my mom divorced him, he's been tripping."

"You're right-" I trailed off as I saw Jasmine's name pop up on my phone screen. She wanted to meet me at the airport because Michael was going to see her off. Ty read the text over my shoulder. "Dre, it's going to be a long ass week for you," he commented, "she's already rubbing their relationship in your face."

I texted back "okay" and put my phone into my book bag. "No, I'll be fine. Like you said I need to move on, and this is taking the first step."

He rubbed his chin. "I'll drop you off at the airport," he told me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Wait why?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Just in case we need to beat Michael's ass."

Suddenly the bell rung, signaling that class was finally over. I quickly grabbed my bag, and walked with Ty to the parking lot. "Our flight leaves at five, so be there to pick me up at four," I stated.

He nodded, "Okay, see you then," he responded, getting into his car.

After he left, I sat in my truck listening to the radio. I decided to text Jasmine. Hey, what are you up to?

She instantly replied. Packing for our trip. You ready?

I texted back. Going home to pack now. Ty is dropping me off.

There was a short pause as I waited patiently for her to reply. Lol aww he's making sure his boyfriend gets on the plane safely.

I chuckled, wiggling my fingers over the keys while I contemplated what to say. As close as I'll ever be to getting into a relationship.

She quickly texted back. Aww, don't say that. I'm sure you can find a boyfriend in Cali *wink face*

I rolled my eyes, tossing my phone into the cup holder. I quickly drove home so I could pack. As I was going upstairs, I heard loud, obnoxious crying coming from the top of the steps; it sounded like someone was sitting next to the door to my dorm.

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