Chapter 13

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"Dre, it's time to clock out and go home," Logan, my manager, announced over the shop's intercom. I groaned and got my things from the back, clocking out as I went to speak with Logan in the front. "Logan, I told you about doing that," I chuckled.

He shrugged, "We've talked about this before Dre; you can't spend your whole day here because I can't give you all of the overtime," he stated.

"Just let me know if someone calls out. I need all of the money I can get," I told him.

He shook his head with a smile. "Dre, please go home and enjoy your weekend. I know it's hard living with a pregnant woman, but you can't hide here," he chuckled.

"Alright alright, I'm going," I responded as I walked out the door. I looked at my phone and saw that I had three missed calls from Ally. As I got into my truck, I called her back. "Hey Ally, what do you need?" I asked once she picked up.

"Dre are you off? I need some company," she whined, "plus I have a doctor's appointment in an hour."

I mentally sighed, "Yes Ally, I'll be home soon," I responded as I hung up. I got in the car and headed to the apartment. Things were a lot different than they were three months ago...the last time I saw Jasmine. School was out for the summer, I had a job at the oceanfront, and life was just...better. Once I came back from that "vacation", Ally asked me to be the godfather of her baby and I agreed; we were also officially roommates because we got an apartment together. Today, we were finding out the gender of her baby and I was pretty excited.

I ran into the apartment and found Ally asleep on the couch. I kneeled down and gently rubbed her belly, "Hey baby Ally, how are you doing today?" I asked, feeling a light kick against my palm.

Ally's eyes slowly opened and she smiled. "Dre," she breathed.

I chuckled, "Hey Ally, sorry I was just talking to the baby."

She placed her hand over mine. "It's okay, she loves when you talk to her," she mumbled softly.

"You mean he," I grinned.

She pursed her lips. "Look, I'm hoping for a girl. I don't want her to come out like Bryan," she sighed.

I gave her a reassuring smile, "Hey, don't think like that. He's not raising him or her, so they are going to be good either way."

There was sadness in her eyes. "I don't know Dre, I just wish he would step up and be the father I need him to be. I didn't expect to raise a child on my own."

"Well, I'll always be here. You did make me the godfather for a reason," I responded.

She smiled, "You're right and I appreciate everything you're doing for us," she stated, rubbing her belly.

"You're welcome," I responded. Our eyes suddenly locked and her head slowly moved closer to mine, our lips so close to touching.

No Dre! Jasmines voice shouted in my head. I quickly stopped myself and stood up. "W-Well, let's get going to your doctor's appointment," I stuttered.

She sat up. "Dre, what's wrong?" she asked softly.

I shook my head. "Nothing," I muttered.

She got up and gently caressed my face. "Dre, I want you and you refuse to give in to me," she whispered as she licked up earlobe.

"Ally we can't-," I began.

Suddenly, she shoved her tongue in my ear with a soft moan.

What the hell is she doing? I thought.

Before I wrap my head around what she was doing, she shoved her hand into my pants and began rubbing my manhood. She got down on her knees as she tugged them down. I watched as she licked around the tip before shoving me in her throat. Suddenly, an image of Jasmine popped into my head; she had pitch-black eyes and an angry expression. I gasped, and quickly pushed Ally away, "Stop," I shouted; I couldn't shake the image from my mind.

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