Chapter 19

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"Push!" the nurse screamed; I could hear the panic in her voice. I was also starting to panic because Ally had been pushing for over three hours and the baby was refusing to come out.

As I held her hand tightly, I faked a smile, "You're doing great baby, keep going!" I encouraged. Sweat and tears were streaming down her exhausted face, and I was starting to feel her stress. This was my second time going through this tonight, and I had not gotten a wink of sleep yet.

Suddenly, Ally's head fell back and her eyes lacked emotion. Ty stared at me with wide eyes from the other side of her. I quickly looked at the nurse, "Nurse, what the fuck is wrong with her?" I screamed.

The nurse quickly came over and felt for a pulse, "Damn it, she fainted. We cannot continue to put stress on her and the baby. We'll have to do a C-Section and fast!"

The other nurses around us grabbed the gurney and rushed her out of the room. It felt like I wasn't even in my own body as Ty and I followed them into the surgery room. It also felt like I couldn't throat was drier than the Sahara Desert. Once we were in the room, the nurses flew into action. I watched from the corner as they scrambled around the room, preparing for the surgery. I read about C-sections in the past, and I was scared shitless. There was already a high risk with her giving birth and now she was about to get her stomach cut open. Ally soon regained consciousness, and looked around frantically for me, "Dre...Dre...where are you? Where did you go?" she slurred.

"Ma'am, please stay calm," one of the nurses advised.

I quickly walked over and grabbed her small, soft hand. "It's okay baby, I'm right here," I assured her.

There was panic all over her face, "Dre, what's going on?" she sobbed, "Is the baby okay?"

I swallowed hard, "You fainted so now they're doing a C-section. They said you and the baby can no longer handle the stress."

"I can't feel anything Dre, I'm so scared," she whispered.

I could no longer speak; I just began to sob. I hated seeing her in this pain...not knowing if she was going to be okay...not knowing if the baby was going to be okay. It was so overwhelming. Why was all of this happening? First, my baby was a preemie and had a thirty percent chance of surviving, and now there was a big chance that this baby wouldn't survive either. It felt like the universe was revolting against if I wasn't meant to be a father.

"I-Is she going to be okay?" Ty croaked beside me. I looked over to see his paled countenance; he looked as if he was about to vomit.

I sighed, "Ty, you can go wait in the lobby room or go check on Jasmine if you would like." I understood what he was feeling; this experience was hard on all of us.

"N-No, I have to make sure the baby is know, since I won't really be around to take care of him," he mumbled, grabbing her other hand.

"Okay, we're taking the baby out now," announces the surgeon. I feel Ally squeeze my hand tighter. We cannot see anything with the curtain shielding us from what they were doing, and honestly, it was better that way. "The head is out!"

"Dre?" Ally suddenly croaked.

"Yes baby?" I asked, looking in her sad eyes.

"I want you to be over there as the baby comes out," she continued in a low voice.

I swallow with a nod, and let go of her hand. For some reason, I didn't want to let go of her, but the baby needed me. I prepared my stomach for what I was about to see. "Ty, take care of her," I mumbled as I walked over to the lower half of her body. I could see her intestines in a tub beside the bed, but I refused to let my body react to it.

The Roommate's DesiresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz