Chapter 17

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The months leading up to the end of Ally's pregnancy were amazing. I was in love, my daughter was healthy and growing, and I was going to help Ally raise Terrance. After she told Tyrone that he was the father, he chose not to be involved. He admitted that he was not ready; however, he would still be present for the birth. Jasmine and Ally were getting along well, until Jasmine started to become distant towards the both of us. I still went to the doctor visits with her, but she refused to see me any other time; I assumed that it was just the pregnancy hormones.

Today, I was going with her to Adrienne's six-month checkup, and after we would head to Ally's baby shower. I was going to meet her parents today, which made me anxious. Would they approve of me? Had she told them about our situation? How did they feel about me stepping up to be the father of their grandchild?

I arrived at Jasmine's apartment and found her outside waiting for me. She had on a black turtleneck dress with long sleeves and darkened sunglasses, which was odd because it was the middle of October. She silently got into the car, and looked out the window. "Hey, how have you been? We haven't spoken in a while," I asked, as I headed to the hospital.

"I'm good," she mumbled.

I placed my free hand on her belly, causing her to flinch. I quickly moved it away with a blush, "Sorry, I was just trying to feel the baby."

"It's okay," she mumbled, still facing the window.

I could tell she didn't want to talk, but I was extremely worried about her wellbeing. "How is the baby doing?"

"She's doing fine."

"You know for the last few months, you've been kind of distant? Are you okay?" I asked.

She sighed heavily, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay, w-well that's good."

"Dre, can I ask a favor?" she mumbled after a moment.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can I go the appointment by myself today?"

It suddenly felt like someone had shot me, "Y-You don't want me to go with you?"

"No," she answered coldly, "can you just drop me off?"

I swallowed hard, "O-Okay, if that's what you want."

Suddenly, she jerked forward, "Oh shit, that hurts," she groaned, trying to cover up her pain.

"What's going on?" I worried.

She gave a reassuring smile, still avoiding eye contact. "Just fake contractions, everything is fine."

I pulled up to the building, and helped her get out of the car. She mumbled "thanks" and went inside. Once I got back into the car, I called Ally. "Hey baby," she answered after the first ring.

"You ready for the baby shower?" I asked with a fake grin.

"Of course! My parents are so excited to meet you!"

"I-I'm excited too-" I trailed off.

"Baby, it's okay, don't be nervous. They already adore you," she reassured me.

I swallowed hard. "Do they think I'm the father?" I asked in a low voice.

"No baby, they know Ty is, but honestly he's more of a sperm donor. You're going to be a father," she mumbled; I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Well, I can't wait to get home to you, I miss you so much," I admitted.

"I miss you too. How is the baby? Are you with Jasmine?"

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