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"Just as I had thought, you don't have resistance to this," he said apprehensively. "We have to leave immediately and warn the others,"

Before you could say anything else, you were knocked to the ground by a strong force.


You quickly sat up and scrambled away, coughing. You looked up to see two large, mechanical jellyfish-shaped things that floated in the air. You tried to stand up but fell back down as you felt the ground trembling beneath you. These mechanical robots had seemed familiar for some reason.

Just as another one was about to strike you from behind, you felt someone push you out of the way and watched in horror as Tighnari fell to the ground after taking the blow for you

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Just as another one was about to strike you from behind, you felt someone push you out of the way and watched in horror as Tighnari fell to the ground after taking the blow for you.

"Get...out of here," he ordered through clenched teeth, wincing as he stood up again. You saw the desperation in his eyes as he pointed towards the opening, urging you to leave. You turned and were about to run, but stopped.

You clenched your fists, knowing that you should let the professional take care of the situation, but your feet refused to move forward. "Screw it," you muttered, turning around just in time to see Tighnari thrown against a tree, dropping his bow in the process.

As you ran towards him, you felt something click in your head. Those jellyfish robot things....you had learned about them in the Spantamad Darshan! You squeezed your brain, filtering through floods of information as you tried to recall what they were.

"Ruin Scouts!" you yelled, finally recognizing what they were. "Part of the Ruin Sentinels' enemy group and the Automatons family!"

Tighnari looked at you, pain evident in his eyes. "What...are you still doing here?!" he said, quickly dodging before one of the ruin scouts struck him.

He attempted to throw something at them, and you watched as a field of green pollen engulfed the enemies. In the split second of confusion Tighnari created, he looked over at you. "Get out of here, now!" he commanded with urgency.

Your eyes widened in shock as you watched the ruin scout attack Tighnari from behind. He fell once more, this time with a large gash on his forearm.

Ruin Scouts, part of the ruin sentinels. Shaped eerily similar to jellyfish, able to attack both from close and ranged distances.

You reviewed what you had learned in class as you ran towards Tighnari, then dashed right past him, picking up the bow he had dropped earlier in the process.

Highly dangerous. If one should ever come in contact with a ruin scout, locate its core and take caution to strike it precisely there twice while it's exposed.

The ruin scouts had now shifted their focus to you and began approaching you at an alarming speed. They weren't focused on Tighnari at all anymore.

You stood with your head held high as you raised the bow and took aim toward the ruin scout. They were getting closer and closer, but you didn't budge and stayed calm, focusing on the core.

Just a bit closer....almost there....and.....shoot!

The arrow you fired flew through the air and landed squarely in the middle of the ruin scout's core. The ruin scout staggered for a moment, and you didn't let it go to waste. Without wasting another second, you took careful aim and let the next arrow sink into the core once more. You watched it shudder before giving out and collapsing onto the floor.

You sighed in relief and only realized how fast your heart was beating afterward. But wait a minute...where was the other one-

"Behind you!"

At the sound of Tighnari's strangled yell, you whipped your head around and came face to face with the second ruin scout. You jumped back and quickly dashed behind a tree, regaining your composure.

Okay, just do the same thing as last time.

Oh but this one was faster, smarter. You cursed, remembering that ruin scouts also learned. You made eye contact with Tighnari, and the two of you understood what needed to happen. Without wasting another moment, you ducked behind the tree once more, and just as the ruin scout was about to strike, a burst of green dust blinded its sensors.

You stepped in front of it immediately and quickly shot two arrows straight into its core without even taking time to blink in between. You watched as the second ruined scout fell to the ground, completely still.

Your knees buckled and you fell onto the ground in relief, leaning back on the floor.

Holy crap

You laughed at the absurdity of the situation but your victory was short-lived. You looked over and saw the first ruin scout starting to wake up again. You remembered that you had only temporarily paralyzed it.

You quickly got up and rushed over to Tighnari.

"Are you okay?" you asked, as your eyes fell to the wide gash on Tighnari's arm.

"I'm fine, we have to get out of here now," he replied, grimacing as he tried to stand up. You swiftly moved to his side and wrapped your arm around his waist after gently placing his arm around your shoulder.

"I said I'm alright," he opposed, and you could tell he was taken aback at your sudden gesture.

"Just zip it and come with me," you replied and started walking before he could say anything.




"Take a right here and we'll be there," Tighnari murmured, pointing vaguely in the direction of Gandharva Ville. The two of you had been stumbling through the forest, Tighnari trying his best to stay conscious, and you were doing your best to support him.

Luckily, you two had made it back just in time before the sun set completely. If it had gotten dark...there was no telling what could've attacked you guys.

"Master Tighnari!" you looked up to see Collei and a few other forest rangers running toward you. She had tears in her eyes and it was evident that anxiety had been eating away at her. "I was so worried that something happened to you! Oh no, what happened to your arm??" She began examining his wound and fretting over the state he was in.

Tighnari managed to let out a small laugh before reassuring Collei that he was fine. "I'm alright Collei, it's just a small scratch. We ran into a few pesky Ruin Scouts, that's all,"

He tried to stand up straight but stumbled, and both you and Collei rushed forward to help him.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt..." you apologized, quickly backing away to let Collei take care of him. "I'll uh, leave him to you guys then..." you said, hesitating a bit before leaving.

"Wai- ahh..." Tighnari called out to stop you but was interrupted by a sudden sharp pain in his abdomen. He looked up to call out once again, but you were already gone.

- x -

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