»]|I{• 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍 •}I|[«

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You leaned against the wall, shutting your eyes in a feckless attempt to stop your soft sobs.

The door to your room creaked open and you only had time to let out a small gasp before you saw Tighnari peek into your room once more.

"Oh I forgot to tell yo-" he stopped mid-sentence as soon as he saw you on the floor, your cheeks streaked with tears. His expression immediately turned into one of great concern and he didn't waste even a second before running over to you.

You don't bother to wipe your tears this time, it was too late. Instead, you got up from the floor to apologize for him seeing you in this state.

Before you could say anything, you felt Tighnari's hands gently wiping the tears off your face. You looked up and your eyes met his, which were filled with an indescribable amount of worry.

"What happened?" he whispered.

You shook your head and moved away. "Nothing just...I'm really tired," you mumbled, already embarrassed enough as it was.

"Was it because of what happened in the tunnels?? Or are you injured somewhere else, perhaps internally?? Whatever it is, I'll help you through it." he said, gently taking your arm and leading you to the door. "Come on, let's go to my room. I can even call Collei over if it helps-"

You stopped him, slowly pulling your arm away from his grasp. He looked at you with more worry than you had ever seen before, and he was hanging on to your every word. This only made it worse.

You sighed, too depressed to think up an excuse. You decided on just giving him the truth instead. It's better to just get it over with, right?

"It's not because of the desert, Tighnari," you said, looking him directly in the eye.

"So it's an injury?? Then we should go see Yasmin, after graduating from the Akademiya, she became a doctor. She'll know what to do-"

You interrupted him once more with a sigh. "She's the reason," you admitted, feeling more and more childish by the second.

At this, his brow furrowed in confusion. "She's the reason...? Did she do something to you?"

"Actually it's not even her, Tighnari. It's you,"

He stared at you, speechless.

Here goes nothing I guess...

"Remember in the tunnels, when you noticed my heartbeat rose?" you asked.

He nodded slowly, turning to face you.

"That wasn't because I was sick. And remember when we fought the pyro bird and you noticed my face was unusually warm? That wasn't because of the bird,"

"Then why..." he trailed off, stepping toward you.

"Guess," Tears welled up in your eyes once more as you gave him a bittersweet smile.

He must have noticed the sorrow from your heart in your eyes because something in his own eyes shifted. It was as if a flip was switched, and his expression immediately turned into one of subtle surprise. You knew that, in those few moments, he had understood the affections you held for him.

He slowly pointed at himself and you nodded, confirming his guess.


"It's stupid of me, I know, I'm sorry for putting you in this position," you interrupted him, composing yourself and wiping your tears away. "It's getting late, you should go,"

"But I-"

"I just need some time alone...please," you said, as your voice slightly cracked.

He looked extremely conflicted, as if he wanted to say something. But after noticing the desperate plea for solitude in your eyes, he shut his mouth and gently nodded.

You whispered a 'thank you' before he left and shut the door behind him, slowly sliding down onto the floor once again. You ran your hands through your hair frustratedly.

Why am I like this....I ruined everything

You slowly looked up at the bags that stood beside your bed. You knew what you had to do, and as much as it pained you, you knew it was for the best.

You forced yourself to get up and dragged yourself over to your bed, starting to take your belongings and pack them away. Tears occasionally fell from your eyes, but you didn't even notice them. You tried to distract yourself by packing, but your eyes fell on the purple rose Tighnari had brought and you were so tempted to throw open your door and find him again.

You quickly dismissed the thought from your head.

"It's for the best..."




Tighnari POV

He couldn't sleep. Not even a single wink of sleep. Your words, your tears, and the pain on your face were the only things on his mind as he tossed and turned in his bed all night. He had to fight the overwhelming urge to comfort you with his embrace and tell you his true thoughts, but your plea to be left alone was something he had to comply with.

It had troubled him all night and he hadn't even noticed the time passing by. Before he knew it, the sun had risen and it was morning. Without wasting another second, he got up and rushed over to your room.

After taking a deep breath to compose himself, he gently knocked on your door. But he was only met with silence.

He knocked once again, this time louder and the guilt in his heart only grew.

"Y/N? I want to talk to you about last night...there's something I have to say..."

He was met with more nerve-wracking silence and his knocking grew more aggressive. Worry started to flood his mind and he began wondering why it was so silent.

Is she still sleeping? Is she hurt...? Did she pass out???

After knocking once more, panic overtook him and he forced the door open. He stepped inside only to be met with an empty room and a well-made bed. 

- x - 

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