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Tighnari's POV

  -A few hours earlier -

"Then I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N," Tighnari said before shutting the door. He was already running late and rushed down to the riverside to meet Yasmin.

On the way, his head was filled with thoughts of how anxious you had looked before he had left.

'I gave her some ointment...her wound should be better by tomorrow. But why did she look so...troubled before I left? Was she still worried about what happened in the tunnel?? Maybe I should have stayed to help her with those mushrooms she was talking abou-'

"Tighnari, over here!"

He was broken out of his train of thought and looked up to see Yasmin waving to him from the river. He hadn't even noticed that he reached the river.

He carefully made his way down to the river bank and greeted Yasmin.

"Hm, you're late? That's unusual, you'd never be even a second late to any of our professors' lectures haha," Yasmin joked. "Always the first one in the classroom,"

Tighnari laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry about that Yasmin. I was just helping Y/N with something and ran a bit late,"

"Y/N?" Yasmin asked, turning toward him. "Oh wasn't she that girl from earlier?"

Tighnari nodded in response, his mind immediately picturing you. And guilt struck him once more as he remembered how troubled he had left you.

"Wowww you must really care about her huh?" Yasmin teased playfully. "Man even when we studied together and I asked for help on the homework, you strictly said no,"

At this, unbeknownst to Tighnari, a small blush crept onto his face.

"Oh? Wait...are you...blushing right now??" Yasmin asked, laughing as she examined his face.

"What are you talking about," Tighnari said, quickly turning away from her.

Yasmin moved to look at his face and her grin only widened. "Oh my...you are blushing! I never thought I'd live to see the day that 'class topper' Tighnari actually blushed. And because of a girl too~"

He scoffed in response. "Being away from Sumeru for so long must have gotten into your head," He retorted, walking away before she could say anything else.

"Oh, oh look!" Yasmin exclaimed, getting Tighnari's attention. He turned to see her bending down to pluck a Sumeru rose from the ground. She excitedly ran over to him and showed him the rose.

"You should give this to Y/N," she said, placing the flower in his hair. "Just place it behind her ears like this then BAM, she'll fall for you instantly," she giggled, continuing to tease him.

The blush on Tighnari's face only grew from a light pink to a deep red.

"This is gold, omg, you are getting so flustered haha," Yasmin continued. "Y/N and Tighnari sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G~"

"This is why I never told you the answers to the homework," Tighnari snapped, embarrassed. He quickly walked away from her and Yasmin kept singing mercilessly while following him.




You sighed as you lay on your bed, staring up at the ceiling as tears rolled down the sides of your face. You felt numb at this point and your expression was close to that of a corpse. A faint knock on the door broke you out of your trance and you slowly sat up, wondering if Collei needed anything.

"Come in..."

The door opened and a familiar face peeked inside, one that definitely wasn't Collei's. You immediately sat up straight, wiped your tears, and put on a smile at the sight of the fluffy-eared man.

"Sorry, were you sleeping?" Tighnari asked, waiting by the door.

"Oh nah, I was just gonna uh..." you sighed mid-sentence. "No I'm not busy, don't worry. Do you need something...?"

"I just wanted to give this back to you, you left it in my room earlier," he said, walking inside before handing you a copy of The Avidya Forest Survival Guide. "If you want, I can help you identify those mushrooms you asked about earlier," he offered.

"That's okay, it's nothing important. I can just ask some other students tomorrow, you should probably get some rest. It's pretty late," you refused. You needed some time away from him so the pain in your heart could subside.

"Ah...yeah, it's pretty late," he trailed off. You looked up after hearing an unusual unsureness in his voice and noticed that he looked a bit apprehensive. But you weren't one to press on his matters.

There were a few moments of silence before Tighanri broke it once more. "I saw this by the riverside and thought you might like it," he said, slowly holding out the same purple rose you had seen Yasmin put in his hair earlier.

Your mood dampened once again at the thought of the two of them, but you still smiled and took the flower. "Thanks, it's really pretty!"

"Really?" Tighnari asked, looking somewhat relieved. "I mean, I picked a few for myself and Collei and...I had a few extras so...'' There was a bit of nervousness evident in his voice but you were too distracted to pick up on it.

You nodded, mentally scolding yourself for the small bubble of hope that formed in your heart a few seconds ago.

This flower doesn't mean anything special, don't be ridiculous

"Thank you...," Unsure of how much longer you could stay smiling for, you wished Tighnari goodnight.

He nodded briefly before turning and leaving your room.

You slumped onto the floor as soon as he shut the door, and large tears started spilling from your eyes onto your cheeks once more, staining your shirt. Seeing him only made your heart ache even more and even though you knew you were being overdramatic, you couldn't seem to stop the flood of tears. You leaned against the wall, shutting your eyes in a feckless attempt to stop your soft sobs.

The door to your room creaked open and you only had time to let out a small gasp before you saw Tighnari peek into your room once more. 

- x -

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