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You ran off into the night, past the crowds in the bustling streets of the Sumeru marketplace, ignoring the confused looks you received from vendors as you sprinted toward the forest.

You had dreamed about going back to Gandharva Ville so much that you had memorized the way to get there by heart. Running only with the light of the moonbeams to guide you, you pushed on through the thick foliage of the Avidya Forest.

You heard the same noises you did when you got lost in the forest many nights ago...but instead of being as unforgiving as you remembered them, they felt welcoming instead. The trees that towered over you felt comforting this time rather than cruel.

Rather than being intimidated by the dark forest, a smile crept across your lips as you admired the beauty of wildlife at night.

How I missed this...

You were starting to get tired after running through the cold night for a while, but the very thought of being able to see Tighnari's warm smile once more was enough to keep pushing you on.

You could see it, you could see the faint light of the lamps in Gandharva Ville in the distance.

You stopped running for a moment to catch your breath and your smile only grew wider as you realized you were closer to Tighnari.

But before you could take another step, you felt something hard hit the back of your head. You stumbled forward, gasping. Quickly turning around, your eyes widened as you saw two tall figures towering over you with cold, black eyes that didn't have a hint of mercy in them. The red scarf around their heads helped you recognize them as eremites.

"Who....are you..." you swayed, struggling to stand up straight as you felt a loud ringing in your head. "What the he....the hell do you want...."

"It's her, isn't it," one of the eremites asked in a gruff voice to the other.

"Boss will be happy," the other nodded and then pointed at you. "Take care of her,"

"Wait what are y-" you were cut off as the eremite roughly held your hands behind your back, rendering you helpless.

You struggled against it, trying to think of a way to escape. You only had a few seconds to decide so you settled on yelling as loud as you could.

You screamed and your voice echoed through the night, startling some nearby birds. You kept yelling until the other eremites hit your head once again with a blunt object. You almost blacked out from the pain, managing to let out one more strangled cry before completely passing out.




You slowly opened your eyes and your vision was blurry. You managed to make out a fire that was in front of you, and as your vision slowly cleared, you saw three eremites standing in front of you. Your head was still pounding but you managed to recognize this place after seeing a small tent in the distance.

This was the eremite camp I stumbled across before...

You let out a bitter laugh at the irony of the whole situation. Thankfully you weren't restrained in any way and managed to shakily stand up to face them.

One of the eremites stepped forward and grabbed your face, tilting it up toward the light.

"This is her, boss"

You shoved his arm away with disgust and stood up straight. "What the hell do you want from me," you spat, glaring at them.

The eremite in the middle, who was noticeably larger than the other two, merely smirked in response before his expression turned into one of anger.

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