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"Watch what you say, asshole," you turned and glared at the three students behind you. "I don't care what you say about me but leave the Amurta Darshan out of this,"

The three students looked surprised at first, but condescending smirks slowly formed on their faces as they noticed how angry you were.

"You turned into a freak too," One of them laughed. "So what if we talk about the Amurta Darshan? What are you gonna do, tell the professor?"

The other student burst out laughing. "Yeah right, the professor hates her. He won't even listen,"

"I'll do more than tell the professor, shithead," you walked over as your hands balled into fists.

"Are you going to hit me? Go ahead, once I tell the professor, you're done," he threatened, sliding a finger across his neck to imitate your head being cut off.

You were fuming and you wanted nothing more than to dropkick this dumbass off a cliff, but you were helpless. It took all the control in you to turn around, pack your things and leave the lab.

You walked out of the Akademiya, wanting to scream out all your frustrations. You hated it all, you hated the Akademiya, you hated those assholes, and you hated not being back in Gandharva Ville with Tighnari.

At the thought of him, his smile immediately flashed through your mind and you managed to calm down. Once again, you were depressed that you couldn't see that smile in real life (fangirl struggles be like)

You trudged over to your dorm room wondering if you had anything decent to eat. Who were you kidding, you didn't have an appetite after what happened earlier. You stopped after seeing a man standing outside your door and quickly rushed over.

"Hi, can I help you..?" you asked, approaching him.

"Oh hello, are you uh..." he pulled out a sealed piece of paper from his bag and looked at it. "Are you miss Y/N L/N?"

"Yes that's me...why?"

"There's a letter for you, miss," he said, handing you the envelope.

"Oh, thank you," you hesitantly took the letter, wondering who it was from. You almost never received letters.

You got home and threw your bag, kicked off your shoes, and plopped onto your bed.

"Let's see..." you opened the letter carefully and unfolded the paper.

Hi Y/N, how are you?? It's only been a week but I've missed you so much and I hope you're doing well! :))

You immediately sat up, recognizing the handwriting at once. There was only one person who'd end their sentences with a smiley face.

"Collei..." you murmured, smiling at the letter.

Hi Y/N, how are you?? It's only been a week but I've missed you so much and I hope you're doing well! :))

Haha actually I'm not the only one who misses you, I think everyone does, especially Master Tighnari.

Your eyes widened at the sight of his name and you eagerly continued to read.

Master Tighnari has been so out of it recently. He mixed up a poisonous mushroom with a normal one. A poisonous one for a normal one!!! And he always scolds me for doing that, can you believe it?? If I wasn't there to stop him, who knows what would've happened...

I always catch him looking over to where you used to stay in the middle of our lessons. And for some reason, he's always carrying around a purple flower with him...I never thought he'd be one to do something like that haha

»]|I{• 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒚 •}I|[« // Tighnari x (FEM) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now