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it was HYUNJIN!! you runned towards him and hugged him. Tears started rolling down your cheeks as you were shivering due to the fear. He hugged you and rubbed your back while saying;

Hyunjin: h-hey it's okay I'm here now. Look.
Y/n: (you broke the hug and looked up at him)
Hyunjin: we will find a way out of here okay. Stay with me. (Soft voice)
Y/n: (nods)
Hyunjin hold you hand and you both started to look for the exit. Luckily you both found the exit and you came out of that forest.

Hyunjin: why did you entered there you know its not safe to go inside a forest specially at night. (Soft)
Y/n: i-i-i a-am s-sorry. I w-went behind a squirrel to t-took his pic and i-i-i got lost inside. (You said while sobbing and looking down).
Hyunjin: it's oky let's go don't cry.(he said while cupping your cheeks and wiping your tears)
You nodded and sat inside his car.

After sometimes he stopped the car and you were now calmed down. He stopped to buy a water bottle from the shop as water was finished. You looked outside and saw an ice cream shop. You smiled and waited for hyunjin to come. Hyunjin came and buckled his seatbelt when you said:
Y/n: hyunjin?
Hyunjin: yeah?
Y/n: IcE cReaM (you pointed)
Hyunjin: so? (Cold)
Y/n: I want it let's buy it? (Smiles widely)
Hyunjin: fine (cold)

He went towards the ice cream shop.
Hyunjin: one ice cream please. Which flavour do you want?
Y/n: chocolate. And why aren't you eating?
Hyunjin: I don't want to eat (cold)
Y/n: No you also buy one pleaseee (puppy eyes)
Hyunjin: fine. Two chocolate ice cream.

After good 3 minutes he gave you your chocolate ice cream. You said:
Y/n: hyunjin?
Hyunjin: what? (Cold)
Y/n: n-nothing.
Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and strated to eat his chocolate.

You finished eating your chocolate and then turned towards him who had finished it before you. He looked at you and noticed that ice cream was still on your lips.

Hyunjin: you have ice cream on your lips.
You licked your lips twice but it didn't go. So hyunjin cleaned it with his finger and started the car to go.

You were shocked, freezed, happy, blushing , it was like a mixture of all the feelings were rushing in your body. A light pink tint appeared on your cheeks but you looked away, not wanting him to look at your condition.

After 20 minutes you reached your home and thanked hyunjin for dropping you as you went inside and rushed to your bathroom to have shower. After that you changed into your night dress and then layed on your bed thinking about hyunjin.
You were thinking of his touch on your lips and blushing at the same times.

You slept thinking about him as you were already tired.




Hey guys. I hope you like this. Stay tuned for more. Byeee💜😚

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