29) "𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒'𝑠 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟" 𝑣𝑙𝑜𝑔 ♥︎

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            ~Day 2 in Paris/ France - 7am~

The night has been beautiful, and so has been my sleep. Cuddled onto Wilbur, who's peacefully asleep next to me. It'd have remained this way, if some annoying kid didn't wake us up...
"Will! Y/n! Wake up!!", tommy quietly says as he knocks on our room door.
After realizing we didn't even move a muscle, he went a bit louder.
"WILL! Y/N!! GOOD MORNING YOU 2 PRICKS!!", tommy starts to yell, managing to wake us up.
"Ugh, tommy what the fuck do you want?? It's too early for this", Wilbur says, rubbing his eyes.
"Tommy what happened?", I say, rubbing my eyes as well.
"We'll be going to Disneyland today and I want to be there by 9am! Is that doable for you guys?", tommy says, standing in the doorframe with crossed arms.
"9am? What time is it?", Wilbur asks.
"7am you prick", tommy responds.
"7am? And why exactly do you wanna go at 9am? Can't we just go later!", Wilbur says, trying to continue sleeping.
"Uh no? It's gonna be better if we leave at 9am so you better get ready! And no we can't go later! Come on", tommy says, still standing in the doorframe.
"Ugh, ok but can you plz leave now?", Wilbur says, checking his phone.
"Only if you promise to get up", tommy demands.
"Ok but go away now!", Wilbur says, almost throwing a pillow at tommy for him to leave.
"Thank youuuuu!!! Byeeeeee", tommy says in a sarcastic tone, then leaving.
"I guess we have to get up now hm?", I giggle.
"Seems like it... that child's so annoying sometimes", Wilbur says, rolling his eyes.
We both get up and make ourselves ready.

~ Disneyland, 9am ~
After a rough time getting ready, we made it to Disneyland. Idk why Tommy wanted to be there so early but hey, it's not that bad.
Still a bit sleepy, I look around. I'm usually not a morning person so getting up earlier than 9 or 10am is such a challenge for me - but I made it, well, WE made it. Wilbur doesn't look like a morning person either, you can tell.
Now we stood there, as tommy takes out his camera again. He's gonna vlog again...

"WE ARE AT DISNEYLAND!!", tommy says into the camera. Big Russ is filming him for this. "Come on! It's adventurous!! To infinity!"
Tommy taking the camera now and filming Wilbur, who is not in the mood yet for anything. I had to giggle.
"OH MY GOD! It's like 9am tommy! I'm not ready!", Wilbur says, having to laugh.
"To infinity!", tommy repeats.
How does this child have so many energy this early in the morning? I wish I had that...
"WE'RE IN DISNEY PHIL, WE'RE IN DISNEY!", tommy says, being excited like a little kid.
We walk around for a bit, looking at everything, while Tommy films everything and comments on everything he sees. It was quite funny seeing him act like a 5 year old or something. I guess that's what being in amusement parks makes you do.
Tommy then holds a balloon in his hand and says that he wanted to give this balloon to a staff member that works on space mountain. According to Tommy, he was really scared to be at space mountain, so a staff member gave him a balloon to "feel better". Now he wants to give a balloon back to the staff member, which we all found really cute.

One the first attractions we went to was a pirate inspired course, more say "pirates of the caribbean" themed. We went in there and it was really dark at first but it was fun actually.
Tommy at first didn't have fun, but I guess then he enjoyed it.
"AAAHHH! I got flashed!", tommy says towards the end of the ride.
"This went at least 5 miles an hour", Wilbur says. To be fair, it was quite slow but I had fun regardless.
"That ride was okay... and by that I mean it was boring as hell", was Tommy's statement to that first ride we went to.
"I had fun with that, even tho it was a bit slow", I say, giggling.
"Y/n, that's not true. I don't believe you had fun", tommy says but I genuinely think it was fun.

We went onto the next ride and Wilbur thought it'd be funny to devour Tommy's camera.
"salut", Wilbur said into Tommy's camera.
"In my presence, you don't say shit like that", tommy says but Wilbur keeps speaking French.
"comment tu t'appelle?", is what Wilbur said next. I had no idea what he said as well but whatever. I just laughed at it.
"No! Translate him Phil! Phil! Translate him!", tommy says, tapping Phil on the shoulder.
"I- I don't speak French dude", Phil says with a straight face.
"I don't know either haha. I wish I knew", I laughed.

After the ride, we decided to walk around a little again and while we did so, Tommy decided to do some shenanigans with Kristin.
"Look Phil! I'm with your wife!", he says as he walks towards her.
While Tommy and Kristin are walking ahead of us, me and the rest walk a bit behind him.
"You know where I'm taking you?", tommy asks Kristin. "To Toy Story village!"
"Ooohhhh!", Phil says.
"Niiiceee! I like Toy Story!", I say with a smile.
Wilbur looks rather unimpressed.
"Dance with me Wilbur!", tommy then asks Wilbur a while later. I have never heard Wilbur say "no" faster than in this moment.
"It's the happiest place on earth Will!", phil tells Wilbur but he still looks rather unimpressed.
"... I don't feel happy... I haven't felt happiness since 2007", Wilbur says which made us laugh.
"Aww that's not true Wilbur!", I jokingly say.
"Well, I exaggerated on that but, I don't feel happy in this moment", Wilbur laughs.

A while has passed and we were having a lot of fun just walking around, going on rides and laughing really hard from tommy being a silly boy, doing his usual shenanigans.
We came to a souvenir shop and decided we'd buy something. Tommy bought Wilbur and me some Mickey and Minnie Mouse headwear and once Wilbur took his on, he suddenly changed from being a grumpy man walking through Disney, to a very overjoyed and silly man, walking through Disney. So all it took was giving him some Minnie Mouse ears?
"Now I won't wear the cat ears- you've changed", tommy says to Wilbur putting on the ears.
"I'm a quirked up white boy, with a little bit of swag, busting it down sexual style", Wilbur says, looking into Tommy's camera.
"Is he goated with the sauce?", Phil added which made us laugh.
"STOP THIS! HAHAHAHAH", tommy says, laughing.
"OH OH OH! And I'm a quirked up white girl. With a little bit of swag, busting it down sexual style as well!", I add to it.
"also goated with the sauce, yeah yeah! That's mah girl!", Wilbur says, getting crazy.
"OH MY GOD- NOT YOU TOO", tommy says, regretting every life decision.

We kept walking, until Wilbur decides it'd be funny to dance around a bit.
"I'm going to skip! Y/n! Skip with me!", Wilbur says, grabbing me by my hands.
"Nooo!! Haha no, this is awful", tommy shakes his head.
"Come on y/n! Let's dance for a bit", Wilbur says, taking my hands and there we go, dancing a little through the streets of Disney.
"ay what is up with Wilbur?", Phil laughs as he sees us dancing.
"If only I knew Phil... if only I knew", tommy says.
Wilbur and he did a little waltz dance, together with our own little dance. Once we were done, we continued walking like nothing happened.

We came to a buzz light year attraction next, since Phil said that space mountain was closed for now. Tommy was really frustrated about it, so we decided we'd go on other rides and let's see what's gonna happen. Phil was laughing tho so was it really closed? Who knows?
We walked into the buzz light year attraction and had to wait in a line.
"You look so cute!", Phil tells Kristin.
"Cuter than Will?", she asks to which Phil nods. "Good answer".
we just laughed but tommy didn't like this one.
Later, there was a robot buzz who talked French, duh. It was quite funny listening to him talk. I couldn't understand anything but I agree with everything he said.
The next attraction we went to was "space rangers". That one was actually so fun. I liked it a lot and Kristin collected the most points out of all of us. Kristin is cracked.
Wilbur also kept repeating the "quirked up white boy" phrase, which slowly drove tommy insane. I think Wilbur chose violence today, after tommy woke up him so early in the morning. He kinda deserves this I mean knowing Wilbur, he likes to mess with Tommy. That's why they're brothers.

After about 2 hours later of going on and off rides, walking around and being doing some shenanigans, we decided to take some rest and sit down somewhere. Wilbur had bought me and him a lollipop, which we happily eat, tommy is also eating something, same as Phil, Kristin and Russ. Little snack break.
"Do you enjoy it so far y/n?", Wilbur asks me, putting an arm around me.
"Absolutely I have no much fun. I've never been at Disneyland so I'm having a lot of fun. Do you have fun Wilbur?", I say, to which he nods.
"Now, yeah", he smiles at me.
"I can tell I mean since you have those ears on, you seem to enjoy yourself so much more than before", I giggle.
"Yeah well, what can I say? I became a quirked up white boy", Wilbur laughs.
"Not this again", tommy says, looking over at him.
"so what are we doing after?", I ask.
"I think, let's see if Space Mountain is open now or what do you say?", Phil says.
"YES PLEASE!! Phil, we have to! That's why I'm here!", tommy says.
"Alright lets check!", Phil says and we all get up.
As we walk towards space mountain, Wilbur and me kept holding hands and been always close to each other.
"WAIT!! SPACE MOUNTAIN ACTUALLY JUST MOVED! WAIT FILM THAT! IT MOVED!!", tommy calls out and indeed- it moved.
"Well seems like it's open again", Phil says and Tommy's face light up.
Of course we know what we had to do next- go on space mountain. We all went on the ride.
Before not all of us joined every ride but this time, we all were going on.
Tommy gave his balloon to another staff member for later.
The ride started and up we go! It was such a fun ride! I had so much fun!

After the ride, the staff member gave the balloon back to tommy. But to Tommy's surprise, the staff member he was searching for, wasn't there. Tommy tried to search for him but he couldn't find him.
"Tommy! You ok?", Wilbur asks Tommy, since tommy seems to be a bit sad not to see the staff member he was searching for.
"I- I was so sure they would be here, idk why they aren't here now...?", tommy says a bit frustrated.
"Come on, I have an Idea tommy!", Wilbur says. "They might still work here and if they still work on space mountain, you could tie it to this railing and they might see it".
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea", tommy says and Phil helps him tie the balloon to the railing.
After we've done that, we walked away and eventually left Disneyland.

Tommy then decided to end his vlog there and after still being a bit down, we decided to cheer him up by buying him some ice cream, then wandered around Paris a bit more before later on returning to the hotel. By the time we were back at the hotel, it was now 9pm!
Everyone had gotten back into their rooms and Tommy felt much better after all that, infact he became again this really silly boy who'd crack lots of jokes and annoy everyone.
We're staying a bit more in Paris but this time, nothing will be vlogged. Tommy just wanted to do 2 vlogs and that's it.
Before we went to bed however, we decided to have a little game night and played cards in Phil's and Kristin's room. We played many round of uno, many rounds of other different card games, until we fell really tired and tommy was about to fall asleep.

The day ended again calmy and peacefully. Cuddling myself onto Wilbur again and him caressing me to sleep. He decided to make me relax a bit so he started caressing me while I slowly fell asleep. Eventually he fell asleep too.
Today was an amazing day! I can't wait for everyone to see those vlogs and laugh as much as we did while making them!
Words: 2186 ♡

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