Ch. 1

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It was a typical Friday morning for Marissa. She was set to head out for work, when her phone buzzed. It was her best friend Nessa.

"Hey girl, you headed out the door yet?" Nessa asked her.

"Just about to, why?" Marissa responded.

"Because I'm outside, come to take you for a driving vacation..." Marissa heard her best friend say, but disagreed with her.

"I can't! I have work!" Marissa argued.

"Damn... what time you finish?" Nessa queried her.

"Around four, if I'm lucky." Marissa told her, sighing. "Why? What've you planned?"

"Oh not much, Just a driving trip to Phoenix Arizona, for the wrestling shows." Nessa said casually.

"You know that's not going to work..." Marissa sighed in frustration. "That's a twenty five hour damned drive!" Nessa realised, and thought. "And before you say flights, I can't make it. I've to help the boss with an off-site project!" They agreed to meet for lunch if Marissa was able to, and talk about it more. Marissa ran for the bus, realising she was now late for work. Nessa walked back to her unit, and researched the trip a bit better. Marissa made it to the bus stop, only to miss the bus she needed. Cursing, she checked the time for the next available bus and found it was almost forty minutes. She called her colleague, and told him to clock in for her, saying that she was waiting for the next bus. Alec said he'd do what he can, but the boss was furious about having to downsize the company. He had already fired three people and it wasn't even ten am. Marissa said she'd try her hardest to make it in time.

At the company office, the boss was fuming. He'd already had to fire someone from his accounting team, and two from his sales duties teams. Now he'd been advised he would have to fire four more people from his personal offices. He rounded the corner and saw Alec just putting his phone down, and still no Marissa.

"Where's Miss Saotome?" He asked Alec angrily, his brows furrowed.

"She's just called me and advised me that she is stuck in traffic, sir." Alec responded. The boss didn't like that answer.

"As soon as she gets here, I want to see her!" He said, even more angrier. This just made Alec swallow hard.

"Yes sir, Mr McIntyre." Alec replied, and the boss walked back to his office, slamming the door behind him. Ten minutes later, he saw a fellow worker flaunt her way to the boss's office. He watched as she knocked on the door, and he bellowed for her to come in. Alec felt sorry for her, as he knew there were only two reasons a female co-worker was demanded to come to the boss's office. Either he was firing her, or screwing her, in his anger. In truth, the staff knew to avoid Mr McIntyre when he was in a bad mood. About a half hour later, Marissa finally appeared to her work desk. At that same time, the female co-worker came out of Mr McIntyre's office. Her clothes were slightly dishevelled, as she opened the door. Suddenly Mr McIntyre came to the door behind her.

"Pack your desk, Ms Lopez. You're fired!" He said angrily at her. She began to protest, but Mr McIntyre's voice rang above her. "Saotome! My Office! NOW!" She made her way to his office, as the now fired woman brushed passed her in tears. Marissa watched as she approached his door, and he went to sit back at his desk.

"Yes sir?" She asked softly.

"Close the door and sit, Saotome!" He yelled at her. Marissa did so, and waited for him to speak. "Would you say your job is important to you?" He started again, angrily. Marissa looked at him in fear. "I want to know if you VALUE your job here?" He continued, now giving her an icy look. She nodded at him, and he stood up. He walked around his desk, and kept giving her an icy look, that was now laced with a snide lustful look.

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